I've started getting a warning message come up on my dash when I put the car into reverse to say there's a problem with the parking sensor. The sensors work sometimes and sometimes they don't. I'm guessing I really need to take it into the garage but thought I'd pop it on here first incase there's an easy fix?
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Reversing sensor
Make sure all the sensors are clean is the first check. After that, probably checking the connections on each sensor are solid, if you're under warranty though, get your dealer to do that. They can plug it into the computer and perform additional checks.
The most likely cause of the issue is that one of the sensors within the set has failed, pop into your dealer to get them to check and replace as necessary....I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society
Hi, I have the same problem and like you the car is no longer under warranty. I have taken all the sensors of and still get a " faulty parking assist" flashing on my radio, does this mean that the problem is elsewhere ???? Waiting on 4 new sensors to come !!!!!any info would be greatly appreciated,thanks.
if you took the sensors off it seems to me that the system would just see all the sensors as not working. After all it is still looking for a certain signal back from them and not getting it.Originally posted by cyclone
It is in the handbook. Satisfied.
Originally posted by Broda
I would rather teabag a bear trap