So I got an EML this morning:
I fitted a Forge Dump Valve yesterday so hoping that I just knocked a connector when taking off the air box.
Will get the air box off this evening and check all the connections. If there aren't any obvious problems she may be having a trip to the garage tomorrow...
Does anyone know how the THPs regulate fuel pressure? Is it electronically via a fuel pressure sensor or a mechanical fuel pressure regulator?
Fault Code P0001: Fuel Volume Regulator Control Circuit/Open
I fitted a Forge Dump Valve yesterday so hoping that I just knocked a connector when taking off the air box.
Will get the air box off this evening and check all the connections. If there aren't any obvious problems she may be having a trip to the garage tomorrow...
Does anyone know how the THPs regulate fuel pressure? Is it electronically via a fuel pressure sensor or a mechanical fuel pressure regulator?