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DS3 fob key repair tutorial?

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  • DS3 fob key repair tutorial?

    The Key fob on my DS3 is on its way out, the blade does not snap back into the fob plus the blade is quite loose. I have looked on Ebay and have found a couple around £10 for
    a new fob case. The problem I have is switching over the blades I have read it can be quite tricky. Does anyone have a video on how to do this on a DS3 fob? I have seen some videos
    videos on Youtube but they are all for different fobs.

    Any help or advice much appreciated.

  • #2
    Be careful buying the Ebay cases. They are cheap copies which won't take your original blade or colour disc.

    If you look at the pictures you'll see that they never show the colour disc side. There's a reason for this - they are hiding the fact that where the colour disc should fit there's just a solid chrome-plated piece with no separate disc. The blade is different too, so your blade won't fit.

    If you look at your key you'll see that there's what appears to be a small rollpin where the blade fits into the block it pivots on. I've never tried this, but it should be possible to knock the rollpin out & transfer the blade to a new key. On the Ebay keys the blade & pivot block are one piece.

    The problem I had was that the blade wasn't springing out, which I managed to cure by dismantling the key & retensioning the spring, although the blade's still loose as a small piece of plastic which should locate it on the pivot pin has broken.

    All I can suggest is that you try to get hold of a genuine key from a scrapyard & swap the bits over or, failing that, see what a Citroen dealer can do. I don't know if it's possible to but a new key without the electronics - if it is, you could just swap your electronics & blade over. It wouldn't need reprogramming &, in the worst case, you'd have to get the blade cut, not a very expensive job.


    • #3
      thanks for the reply. Looks like I will stay clear from the cheap crap ones off Ebay. Say If i managed to get hold of a original DS3 fob, it should be just a straight swap right? swap boards over
      and tap out the pin for the blade and swap them over?


      • #4
        i got one for my old c4 off ebay it had the 3 buttons on it so got exact replica off Ebay punched the pin out replaced my blade and inner bit and inserted a new battery all worked fine for me .
        just make sure you swap battery quickly and then no re initialising the fob

