I've got a BlueHDi 120 S&S Prestige that I use as a driving school car. This is my first DS3 that has front parking sensors fitted, the previous 2 only had the rear ones. Recently I've noticed that the front sensors start to show a warning that there is imminent risk of hitting something directly in front of us, despite the road being clear. Sometimes, approaching a downhill junction to meet a level road, the sensors will again give a false positive. At first I was baffled, cleaning the sensors in case there was dirt or something on them had no success. Then the other day something had me wondering. Last week, whilst we were enjoying the warm dry weather, the sensors seemed to be behaving, this week as the weather turned wetter, the problem started up again. Thinking back, it would appear that possibly the rain is having some effect on the sensitivity of these sensors.
I had issue the other day with an examiner bending my ear because the front sensors were giving a false warning whilst the candidate was doing their turn in the road manoeuvre, he said there was nothing within 6ft of them. Since then I've been made aware that at least two other instructors are having similar issues with them. One via conversation with another examiner, and a colleague I was talking to this morning. He's turned his sensors off to stop the distraction getting to his drivers, and was suggesting that maybe the sensors are positioned too low to deal with the wind effect and rain on the new facelift version, or possibly angled wrong. Of course, in order to turn the front sensors off it means deactivating the rear ones as well.
Has anyone else had problems with these factory fitted front sensors, and if so, has the weather been wet at the time? I've spoken to my local dealer's service department who is going to query with Citroen technical whether they are aware of any issue, the service person said they themselves weren't. From thinking it was just a fault with my car, I'm now thinking this might be more widespread.
I had issue the other day with an examiner bending my ear because the front sensors were giving a false warning whilst the candidate was doing their turn in the road manoeuvre, he said there was nothing within 6ft of them. Since then I've been made aware that at least two other instructors are having similar issues with them. One via conversation with another examiner, and a colleague I was talking to this morning. He's turned his sensors off to stop the distraction getting to his drivers, and was suggesting that maybe the sensors are positioned too low to deal with the wind effect and rain on the new facelift version, or possibly angled wrong. Of course, in order to turn the front sensors off it means deactivating the rear ones as well.
Has anyone else had problems with these factory fitted front sensors, and if so, has the weather been wet at the time? I've spoken to my local dealer's service department who is going to query with Citroen technical whether they are aware of any issue, the service person said they themselves weren't. From thinking it was just a fault with my car, I'm now thinking this might be more widespread.