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DS3 Petrol - 2012 Model Coolant

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  • DS3 Petrol - 2012 Model Coolant


    I require to top-up the coolant in my DS3 as it is currently sitting on min in the header tank. The liquid is a transparent gold colour. Is it ok to top up with distilled water? Or do I need to go and get the correct formulation? If so, what is recommendedas there appears to be no reference to fluids in the manual and their specific requirements.

    Also, can anyone please recommend a good permanent or semi permanent paint protection solution? Here in Australia, we have blisteringly hot summers, and being red, my concern is that this will fade over time.



  • #2
    You could top it up with water, but then next time it's low will you do the same and keep diluting it? I'm sure someone mentioned there is a PSA code somewhere for the exact coolant blend and I assumed it was in the manual, so not sure now you say it's not there. Colour shouldn't matter if it's the right mix - mine's pink, some other people have blue, you have gold. If in doubt, auto shops like Halfords (does this exist in Aussieland?) should be able to find out.

    As for paint, no idea. SPF50 suncream?
    ///DStyle+ VTi 120 in white/black/red ///
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    • #3
      SONAX Profiline Polymer Net Shield is easy enough to DIY, is good for about 6 Months (dependent on how you wash it) and has UV protection.

      Not sure how it will hold up to Aussie sun tho.

