Hi guys,
Had a car arrive without the SD card for the MyWay and Citroen says because we signed it off tough! I have a copy of the files but am not sure if it's complete (forgot to show hidden files when I had a copy to hand) so was wondering if anybody with the MyWay could check to see if there are hidden folders that I may have missed.
The folder I have is 'database' and I also would like to know what the top level is called i.e the name of the card and the drive letter it has as I believe the Sat-Nav looks for this name. I've listed the files below i have below;
acios_db - 1kb
hazardareas.lwd - 0kb
kN093EUx01t01 - 1,905,176lb
LABEL - 2kb
R932_v36a - 1,119,274kb
R932b_litdata - 831,060kb
S_ZF1914_v1 - 10,990kb
versionhazard - 1kb
versionavidb - 1kb
Many thanks in advance!
Had a car arrive without the SD card for the MyWay and Citroen says because we signed it off tough! I have a copy of the files but am not sure if it's complete (forgot to show hidden files when I had a copy to hand) so was wondering if anybody with the MyWay could check to see if there are hidden folders that I may have missed.
The folder I have is 'database' and I also would like to know what the top level is called i.e the name of the card and the drive letter it has as I believe the Sat-Nav looks for this name. I've listed the files below i have below;
acios_db - 1kb
hazardareas.lwd - 0kb
kN093EUx01t01 - 1,905,176lb
LABEL - 2kb
R932_v36a - 1,119,274kb
R932b_litdata - 831,060kb
S_ZF1914_v1 - 10,990kb
versionhazard - 1kb
versionavidb - 1kb
Many thanks in advance!