I have DS3 1.6 HDi which has currently done 123K on the clock. I basically drive this up and down the M6 every day so it is mainly motorway miles. However I believe the timing belt was due at 120K miles.
I've had an offer from a mobile mechanic of £290 including changing the parts around it/water tank too. I'm a little skint at the moment but I know if I leave it I face a higher bill.
Can I risk waiting until after Xmas as it is mainly motorway miles or is it essential it is done either way?
I've had an offer from a mobile mechanic of £290 including changing the parts around it/water tank too. I'm a little skint at the moment but I know if I leave it I face a higher bill.
Can I risk waiting until after Xmas as it is mainly motorway miles or is it essential it is done either way?