Recently I've bought new battery after the old one died out of the blue.
after changing to the new one, the monochrome screen got some 'hard reset'
and since then it flashing and shows incorrect time and date (shows 2007).
I've got to mention - I do not have the original Radio player which can control the monochrome screen. I have some Pioneer aftermarket player.
My question is: is there some option to control the monochrome screen and adjust the time and date without the original player?
Soon will be post a video of the problem
after changing to the new one, the monochrome screen got some 'hard reset'
and since then it flashing and shows incorrect time and date (shows 2007).
I've got to mention - I do not have the original Radio player which can control the monochrome screen. I have some Pioneer aftermarket player.
My question is: is there some option to control the monochrome screen and adjust the time and date without the original player?
Soon will be post a video of the problem