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2013 cabrio, yellow car no returns!

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  • 2013 cabrio, yellow car no returns!

    Hi, so my beloved DS3 cabrio (2013) in stunning yellow has developed a fault with her roof.
    I think I have read all the posts on here and see that others share my problem. Passenger side roof opens slightly but drivers side does not. Also had the “machine gun noise for a bit first!) After research I think it’s the cables, available from the Citroen dealer if you can get them (or Germany) and pray it’s not a new whole roof that’s needed as I do not have the extended warranty!
    My question is this...
    Has anyone successfully fixed their roof, how did they do it and how much did it cost?
    The posts do not provide final details!
    Please help me!
    Rebecca x

  • #2
    Oh no not another one! I've a cabrio and keep wondering when will mine fail. I totally agree with you regarding the outcomes. People post when they need help but very rarely let us all know how things went. These forums are for mutual help.


    • #3
      Mine is going in tomorrow, I’ll keep you informed, wish me luck!


      • #4
        So, my garage are not hopeful at the moment! However they are going to make further enquires as they are friends as well as garage owners!
        I will let you know...


        • #5
          Not good news on the Roof I’m afraid! The Roof is closed and locked and the guy needs to get it open to work on it and is afraid of damaging it when he forces it open. I’ve no choice so he is going ahead and doing as little damage as possible. In the mean time I have bought a complete roof that has been cut off the car at the pillars so if needed, he can remove it and put it in mine. Not good!


          • #6
            Really sorry to hear things aren't going too well for the roof repair. Is your garage a Citroen dealership? If not do they have access to the website? If they do, then they can get details of how to replace the roof cassette. If they don't and you would like the info, PM me with an email address and I can send you the PDF document which covers this job.


            • #7
              Good morning, thanks for your offer. The Garage is a Citroen specialist although mainly with Plural (?) cars. He has done these roofs before and seems confident he can do this one. The roof was delivered Friday so hope for some news Monday/Tuesday. I think the main problem is that they are Bonded on to the Metal roof and Pillars and this is where they may break when removing. I had another Breaker who was trying to remove One
              for me and he broke it! Fingers crossed all goes well, I’ll keep you all informed.


              • #8
                You are absolutely correct the roof, is not only bolted to the body but is bonded as well. The document I have shows the tool for cutting thru the gunk. It is very similar to those used by auto windscreen people. As a matter of interest, is the guy you are using the one in Huddersfield who advertises on email?


                • #9
                  Doh! not email, eBay!!!


                  • #10
                    Hi again......the guy I’m hoping to fix it is in Brewood, North of Birmingham. Chevron Citroen is his Company.


                    • #11
                      Hi, just an update. Still no solutions for mine. Hoping for more news Monday. What a pain...


                      • #12
                        And so it goes on............the guy who is doing mine does not sound a happy bunny! He hopes to have it finished middle of next week and says. “ never again” !!!!!


                        • #13
                          Fingers crossed then? I sincerely hope it gets fixed. I would like to thank you for taking the trouble to keep us all updated on the progress. I think I have mentioned before there are numerous requests for advice but too few actually take the time to fill us in with what actually happened and any learnings for the rest of us.


                          • #14
                            so in the end what was the solution?

                            i have the same problem

