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Radio Display cutting out

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  • Radio Display cutting out


    got a random problem with the radio/display restarting every 30 mins. It's every 30 mins to the very second!! Doesnt matter if it is set to cd/radio/sat nav, it still resets itself! Would rather stay away from dealers prices to fix it if possible


  • #2
    ok, this is based on no knowledge whatsoever and just a total out there thought that hopefully someone ese will see and give them a eureka moment. But if it is every 30 mins to the second isnt that how long it takes for eeconomy mode to set in? so could it be an issue with that system? like maybe a failing really week battery that is fooling the system in to thinking that power is low so it is trying to go in to economy mode and turn things off and it is messing everything up?

    maybe put battery on charg for a night and see if it still does it or have the battery checked to make sure it is still good and giving right voltage?

    again i know this is a long shot and based on nothing,it just popped in to my head and i felt like posting.


    • #3
      Yes. If you run the radio without engine running it cuts out after 30 mins. Remember that from when i wash the car, listening to the footie
      how about disconnecting the battery for 5 mins or so, which should act as a reset?
      Jog on Noddy


      • #4
        The Battery Eco Mode is not fixed at 30 minutes, I wish it was! It is an algorithm based on how many miles the car has just driven and battery voltage/condition. If you do several short journeys even though the battery is fully charged then Eco Mode cuts in after only about a minute and it's a real PITA! No, it can't be modified either as it was one of the first things I wanted to do with the DS3 when I got it. As Chris said, first is to reset the systems and see as it can fix a lot of weird issues. Here is the procedure I wrote in another thread:-

        A good way to reset everything is to follow this procedure exactly - it is important not to open the doors or press anything during the timings or the whole procedure will fail:
        • Put the driver's window down, lift the bonnet and ensure all equipment is switched off.
        • Leave the car and ensure all doors and tailgate / boot are closed and remove key from the ignition.
        • Wait for 5 minutes, then disconnect the vehicle battery negative and wait at least another 5 minutes.
        • Reconnect the vehicle battery, wait a further 3 minutes (do not open doors).
        • Switch on the side lights through the driver's window.
        • Switch on the ignition and check system's functionality - don't start the car.
        • Hold lock button on key down for 10 seconds.
        • Remove key and operate the central locking system with the fob to make sure it is working.
        • Get int he car and start the engine and complete the system's check.
        I've extended the times as sometimes a few minutes is not enough - especially to ensure BSI and all ECUs have reset.

        To remove the battery negative, use a 10mm spanner (usually 10mm for batteries although I don't have the car to hand) to undo the nut a few turns on the negative terminal (-) at the battery, you wont get a shock so don't worry! Holding the insulated part of the cable, twist/rotate the cable end on the terminal to free it and then lift up quickly so it is disconnected. It may fizz or spark very briefly but it is nothing to be concerned about. Move it so it can't return back and touch the battery terminal again when you let it go as the cable will want to settle back on the battery. Reconnect is the reversal of this but always hold the insulated part and put the cable onto the terminal quickly/forcefully.
        DS3 DSport 110HDi Sport Red with Black Roof
        Red Alcantara / Carbon Dash / My Way City Signature

