So like many others, I've had problems with my parking sensors. They went off a few months after I bought it with the usual beep and error message. I've read a bunch of threads on here with ideas on fixing\diagnosing and finally had a go last week.
So far I have removed and cleaned each parking sensor\connector - still not working, removed one at a time - still got the error message every time so I either have more than one at fault or the sensors themselves are fine. I notice the wiring runs into a larger connector behind the wheel arch but I couldn't access to clean it, so maybe it's the fault? Maybe not?
The reverse light works and it's still beeping and giving me the error, so the switch works. Oddly enough a few weeks ago there was a day when it beeped and with no 'SERVICE' light and error message but they still didn't work...
Is there any other way to test and get a more definitive answer?
Also, they're made by an Italian company... who thought that was a good idea?!
So far I have removed and cleaned each parking sensor\connector - still not working, removed one at a time - still got the error message every time so I either have more than one at fault or the sensors themselves are fine. I notice the wiring runs into a larger connector behind the wheel arch but I couldn't access to clean it, so maybe it's the fault? Maybe not?
The reverse light works and it's still beeping and giving me the error, so the switch works. Oddly enough a few weeks ago there was a day when it beeped and with no 'SERVICE' light and error message but they still didn't work...
Is there any other way to test and get a more definitive answer?
Also, they're made by an Italian company... who thought that was a good idea?!