So I've had my DS3 around 6 months now.
Its a 15 plate DStyle+ E-HDI. Had around 75k on the clock and i've put on 3k.
Just over a week ago I heard my strange whirring noise coming from my car. Sounded like a neighbour cutting his grass but it was my fan.
We've had a scorcher the past few weeks so just thought nothing of it. It's the loudest radiator fan i've ever heard but I wasnt too worried.
Just never heard it either at all before or that loud.
Since then, even on the days the weather has been relatively mild and wet, the fan will come on randomly super loud.
Eco mode refuses to engage. The temp guage isn't going anything above the middle of the scale.
Today I nipped to the shops and on the way back when starting up the car, the service light came on 'Repair Needed - Engine fault' and the fan whizzing from get go.
All my fluid levels are good.
When buying the car the same warning appeared and I told the garage to fix it, service it and MOT it. Came back with a clean bill of health.
I called the garage today to ask if they remember the problem but they don't.
I KNOW it could be a whole list of things. I've had a look at other threads with similar issues but none seem to line up with the problems i've got.
Its a 15 plate DStyle+ E-HDI. Had around 75k on the clock and i've put on 3k.
Just over a week ago I heard my strange whirring noise coming from my car. Sounded like a neighbour cutting his grass but it was my fan.
We've had a scorcher the past few weeks so just thought nothing of it. It's the loudest radiator fan i've ever heard but I wasnt too worried.
Just never heard it either at all before or that loud.
Since then, even on the days the weather has been relatively mild and wet, the fan will come on randomly super loud.
Eco mode refuses to engage. The temp guage isn't going anything above the middle of the scale.
Today I nipped to the shops and on the way back when starting up the car, the service light came on 'Repair Needed - Engine fault' and the fan whizzing from get go.
All my fluid levels are good.
When buying the car the same warning appeared and I told the garage to fix it, service it and MOT it. Came back with a clean bill of health.
I called the garage today to ask if they remember the problem but they don't.
I KNOW it could be a whole list of things. I've had a look at other threads with similar issues but none seem to line up with the problems i've got.