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Aircon not working

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  • Aircon not working

    Hi there.

    My aircon has stopped blowing, all the symbols light up on the panels, I can choose temperatures, vents etc but nothing actually blows. My instinct is a fuse blown somewhere. Not sure if it's related but we had floods here the other day and a fire engine went past me while I still had the window open, dousing us and the interior with a good soaking! Any ideas where I should start looking (2013 diesel)?


  • #2
    Fuse box? Try glovebox or Owners manual for location- may be one in the engine bay too

    Has the vehicle completely dried out after its dowsing?
    Jog on Noddy


    • #3
      Here's a link to an earlier post with the full fuse locations.

      Looks like it's F11 in the engine bay fuse box. It's a big 40A one too. I'd get the cover off and see how wet it is in there and dry it out before replacing. Dry the original fuse and connections and reseat it, see if the existing one works when dry first.
      DS3 DSport eHDi 145 - Stage 1 with K&N - Shark Grey & Infinite Blue​​​​​​


      • #4
        Might be the ECU water in it, or the air conditioning panel itself

        If its not the fuse, ensure the car is fully dried our before pulling it apart

        A nice warm garage overnight would help
        Jog on Noddy


        • #5
          Originally posted by Funky View Post
          Here's a link to an earlier post with the full fuse locations.

          Looks like it's F11 in the engine bay fuse box. It's a big 40A one too. I'd get the cover off and see how wet it is in there and dry it out before replacing. Dry the original fuse and connections and reseat it, see if the existing one works when dry first.
          Thanks for that, I've checked F11 in the engine bay and F4 in the glove box as a long shot, F11 shows a resistance of near 0 ohms and F4 looks complete.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Chris_Blue View Post
            Fuse box? Try glovebox or Owners manual for location- may be one in the engine bay too

            Has the vehicle completely dried out after its dowsing?
            Maybe the word dowsing is a bit much, more a splatter, mostly on us. I wiped down what I could see on the dash and dials.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Chris_Blue View Post
              Might be the ECU water in it, or the air conditioning panel itself

              If its not the fuse, ensure the car is fully dried our before pulling it apart

              A nice warm garage overnight would help
              Hey, thanks. Don't have the warm garage unfortunately, how do I check the ECU and the air con panel itself?


              • #8
                First- have you tried disconnecting the car battery for a couple mins? acts as a reset

                You need an ELM 327 to plug into the interface under the glovebox panel, and a code reader. You could download the Torque Pro App for £3, or get a proper code reader for Citroen round £20- they always come in handy.

                The air con panel- research how to remove it and check it out- may have to remove the whole dashboard, not sure. Again, a bit of research

                After all that, best take it into Citroen for a diagnostic- I had to do that for a fault recently. Charged me 3118 to diagnose and wanted about £450 to resolve the problem. I resolved the problem myself after a bit of pain and anguish
                Jog on Noddy


                • #9
                  I already have an OBD port widget thing for my BMW M3 so would anyone know if this will fit the DS3 and if it does, which Android app would you guys recommend? I have Carly for the M3 so I'm guessing there is something similar for the DS3.


                  • #10
                    Torque Pro app

                    best way to see if it fits, is try it
                    Jog on Noddy


                    • #11
                      The battery disconnect was sadly unproductive..


                      • #12
                        do you have 'aircon' or the 'climate control' option?

                        does the heating/fan work properly with whichever you have, switched off?

                        has the system ever been re-gassed?
                        Bog standard 2010 DSport THP150, 1973 Clan Crusader, 2003 Harley Davidson Softail, 2007 Vespa 250GTS, 2011 Peugeot Boxer campervan ,a few push bikes, and one eMTB

