Just had a new tyre fitted today and since the I've noticed my car making a periodic scraping noise when idling, sounds like something is scraping against something else thats rotating, weird to describe but its coming from the drivers side of the engine bay (it was drivers side front tyre that was change if thats relevant). Any ideas what it might be?
Video of the noise here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KHe...ew?usp=sharing
Just had a new tyre fitted today and since the I've noticed my car making a periodic scraping noise when idling, sounds like something is scraping against something else thats rotating, weird to describe but its coming from the drivers side of the engine bay (it was drivers side front tyre that was change if thats relevant). Any ideas what it might be?
Video of the noise here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KHe...ew?usp=sharing