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Heater not that hot!!

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  • Heater not that hot!!

    As the title says really. I put my heater on in my DS3, not on Auto but on the highest temp ("Hi") and my drive home is about 30-40mins. However the air never gets hot or even warm.

    So going to the dealers, not the best thing to fook up with winter coming.

    Anybody else had problems like this?

  • #2
    Are you insane? Haha my car is Either too hot or too cold you can't win with mine swap? :L
    DSign - Black on Red spotted roof see me around Wales give us a flash!


    • #3
      Just confirming really that there must be a problem as my heaters are HOT HOT


      • #4
        Could be a couple of issues but the one that I think it would be is the Auto AC ECU not reading the temperature correctly. This normally involves replacing the unit.
        ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
        Bigfeet's File Repository
        The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


        • #5
          I seem to have the same problem as the OP the car eventually reaches a comfortable temperature after around 30 minutes, it certainly never gets hot no matter what heater setting I select . Can I confirm what heater settings to use before I go back to the dealer as I don't want to have missed something obvious , the air coming into the car is barely warm


          • #6
            Originally posted by len112 View Post
            I seem to have the same problem as the OP the car eventually reaches a comfortable temperature after around 30 minutes, it certainly never gets hot no matter what heater setting I select . Can I confirm what heater settings to use before I go back to the dealer as I don't want to have missed something obvious , the air coming into the car is barely warm
            Take it back to the dealer, got mine fixed and now nice and toasty


            • #7
              This is the first chance I have had to use the heating and no problems so far. Warms up very quickly even on short journeys


              • #8
                About 1 and a half min to start getting warm air
                Best motor yet for that
                Jog on Noddy


                • #9
                  Originally posted by B19PPh View Post
                  Take it back to the dealer, got mine fixed and now nice and toasty
                  I took it back to the dealer who find there was no coolant in the radiator and apparently it's been leaking since god knows when . It's been booked in for new parts on Monday .

