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PCV Valve

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  • PCV Valve

    Hi guys,

    I’m concerned that my DS3 Dsport will start to play up again.
    It was re-called last year and endured a new belt and tensioner (Inc. new tensioner settings) and this year a programme update with regards to the warning light (not sure what they did exactly).

    It’s now been 8k miles since the initial issues were noticed. I haven’t noticed turbo issues since.
    BUT I don’t like this waiting game.

    What negative effects would deleting the PCV valve have on the car? I heard it is not eco-friendly, does anybody know how (reduced MPG, increase CO2)?

    And is there a way I can check if the problem is existent using my rookie engineering skills (or lack of)?

    Final question is really – how difficult is it to delete and how would I go about it?


  • #2
    Unless it can be cleaned/maintained on a regular basis instead of completely deleting it?


    • #3
      Try reading this:
      BLACK DS3 Sport Chic 150THP | Forge Induction Kit | Skytune Exhaust


      • #4
        Originally posted by beck_4ever View Post
        Unless it can be cleaned/maintained on a regular basis instead of completely deleting it?
        Ah- Ha...looki ng at your signature, another member (As me) who loves the chrome look
        And close to Sussex too
        My opinion for what its worth- dont bother with delete unless problems start- misfiring, oil on rcoker cover. Theres plenty around that have not PCV delete. This advice was given to me by a tuner
        Last edited by Chris_Blue; 21-11-2012, 20:25.
        Jog on Noddy


        • #5
          Oh Right, so it's not a guarenteed happening then?
          i'll just leave it for now.

          Heehee CBlue, yeah. Not too much chrome though, it does look nice against black. funny enough ive just put on the rear light chrome trims this lunch time, my, what a difference!


          • #6
            Hi Becks - Just to clarify thats just what I'm doing Wont think of PCV delete until any problems arise.
            Obviously you must do what you think best!
            Done almost 18,000miles at the mo. Soon as engine gets the slightest lumpy, or any oil on rocker cover, or am topping up oil I will rethink and get advice
            My date of registration is June 2011, but theres a couple date stamps (Air filter) that suggests a 11/2010 build date (Maybe just when that item was produced tho)
            They changed a few things on the engine aftre the 2009 launch
            The later the model, the less likely needs doing IMHO

            Chrome- havent done the rear/front trim yet- not sure and theyre pricey
            Got a few chrome effect badges all over the car though
            Last edited by Chris_Blue; 22-11-2012, 16:39.
            Jog on Noddy


            • #7
              They are pricey, but i'm glad I have them. The rear really make the lights stand out and the grill trim finishes off the front.

              Just no more car bit treats for a long while! :-)


              • #8
                What Ive done Becks, is get the delete caps and have them to hand if needed
                Ive got them in the car- only a fiver or so for the pair
                Hopefully never need them
                Jog on Noddy


                • #9
                  I think I will just extend the warrenty lol


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Chris_Blue View Post
                    What Ive done Becks, is get the delete caps and have them to hand if needed
                    Ive got them in the car- only a fiver or so for the pair
                    Hopefully never need them
                    If your engine is stock you will not need them, they're a prevention rather than a cure.

                    You'll need them only if you have increased airflow through the intake system or more boost pressure because of a remap or hybrid turbo.
                    If you have any of the afforementioned mods withou the PCV caps already fitted, then increased oil mist WILL of beeen getting onto your intake valves, and you will be severely shortening the life of the upper PCV assembly/intake valves. Fitting the PCV caps effectively removes the action of the upper PCV assembly, thus reducing oil mist onto the intake valves which can cause detonation and engine failure. PCV caps do not prevent timing chain tensioner issues.

                    One last thing, oil haze around the right hand side of the valve cover is usually caused by the internal silicon seal becoming malformed, it is only a sign of engine failure if there are other symptoms, such as increased oil usage and misfiring cause by lack of cylinder compression. Hope this helps.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Dave Clarke View Post
                      If your engine is stock you will not need them, they're a prevention rather than a cure.

                      You'll need them only if you have increased airflow through the intake system or more boost pressure because of a remap or hybrid turbo.
                      If you have any of the afforementioned mods withou the PCV caps already fitted, then increased oil mist WILL of beeen getting onto your intake valves, and you will be severely shortening the life of the upper PCV assembly/intake valves. Fitting the PCV caps effectively removes the action of the upper PCV assembly, thus reducing oil mist onto the intake valves which can cause detonation and engine failure. PCV caps do not prevent timing chain tensioner issues.

                      One last thing, oil haze around the right hand side of the valve cover is usually caused by the internal silicon seal becoming malformed, it is only a sign of engine failure if there are other symptoms, such as increased oil usage and misfiring cause by lack of cylinder compression. Hope this helps.

                      Thank you for the info. Very helpful!
                      With regards to increased airflow - I have installed a K&N straight swap filter....


                      • #12
                        Not to hijack the thread but this is relevant to an issue I'm having. Now that I've got my car back from citroen (Had the cylinders decoked) it's standard and running fine.

                        I put my Forge Induction Kit on and within 7 miles I noticed on boost the car was over revving (like a small slip) and then settling...

                        Could this be the induction kit causing too much oil to come through the PCV and causing knocking? If so would the PCV delete solve this issue? For now I've removed the Induction Kit as I think it might have been this (along with the remap) that caused all my cylinders to get coked up...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by DickiJ View Post
                          Not to hijack the thread but this is relevant to an issue I'm having. Now that I've got my car back from citroen (Had the cylinders decoked) it's standard and running fine.

                          I put my Forge Induction Kit on and within 7 miles I noticed on boost the car was over revving (like a small slip) and then settling...

                          Could this be the induction kit causing too much oil to come through the PCV and causing knocking? If so would the PCV delete solve this issue? For now I've removed the Induction Kit as I think it might have been this (along with the remap) that caused all my cylinders to get coked up...
                          Hi Dickij- Did they know youd had a remap when they looked at the cylinders and did they do this maintenance under warranty?
                          What they say about the Induction kit
                          Jog on Noddy


                          • #14
                            Well when it had gone in for alloys and the ecu upgrade nothing was said about the induction kit.

                            When I had engine problems the kit came off but the remap remained - they couldn't detect it

                            When they booked it in for big work however I had the map removd... Half way through they found an invoice somewhere in the car for the remap... They still continued with the work under warranty so either

                            A. Citroen didn't care (highly unlikely)
                            B. technician didn't think the remap was responsible (doubtful)
                            C. The engine was already outwith the head off and the dealership was going to get a nice amount of money from Citroen for warranty work so kept quiet. Only senior management knew it was remapped so... I doubt Citroen technical was ever told


                            • #15
                              Ha-ha! Nice one DickiJ- one up to the Proletariat!
                              How many miles with your remap?
                              Was thinking Forge Induction kit at some stage- well down the list now
                              Jog on Noddy

