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key malfunction

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  • key malfunction

    I have noticed that some occassions, haven't quite pinned it down yet, though seems to be when I have got in the car, put the key in the ignition but not started up, that later, when i try to start the car it doesnt fire up when I turn the key. Invariably I then turn the ignition key 3 times and it then will fire up. There are different circumstances when this occurs but cant pin it down, I think sometimes when I just get in the car. However as it always seem to start on the third attempt I think that it is an intentional or design feature rather than a fault with my car. Has anyone else experienced this or do you think that it is a fault with my car??? Opinions gratefully recieved!!!

  • #2
    Nope, it's a fault


    • #3
      First thing you are putting your foot down on the clutch at the time?

      Second if you are then it's most likely a fault on the key to do with the code not being read, the way to double check this is to use your spare key for a couple of days to see if the same thing occurs. If it does then it's the imobliser, if not then it's your main key but either way you should get it checked out.
      ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
      Bigfeet's File Repository
      The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


      • #4
        Thanks both for your comments, will get it checked out before it locks me out!!!


        • #5
          Would you believe my (Lovely) other half didnt know how to get the key out of the keyfob, so dug it out (And broke it)
          Shouldnt complain I suppose- pissed at the time me.
          How much a replacement key any ideas?
          Jog on Noddy


          • #6
            Originally posted by Chris_Blue View Post
            Would you believe my (Lovely) other half didnt know how to get the key out of the keyfob, so dug it out (And broke it)
            Shouldnt complain I suppose- pissed at the time me.
            How much a replacement key any ideas?
            Make sure your sitting down with a stiff drink in hand
            ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
            Bigfeet's File Repository
            The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


            • #7
              You can't start the car with the clutch up?

              | DStyle Nav 1.2 PureTech 110 |
              Third time around.
              Work in Progress


              • #8
                Always start the car with the clutch up
                Jog on Noddy


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Chris_Blue View Post
                  Always start the car with the clutch up
                  Not always possible, with the new crop of cars most now have a cut out where you can't start the engine unless you have engaged the clutch first.
                  ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
                  Bigfeet's File Repository
                  The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


                  • #10
                    Mostly Continental I thought had to depress clutch
                    Theres a contribution from Czar on a thread somewhere, where after 30 lines of text (LOL- Good ole Czar) he says no need to depress clutch
                    Jog on Noddy


                    • #11
                      Hi, ive got a 12 plate {April 2012} 120 vti & i DO NOT need to have the clutch down to start it up coz i often start it up while standing beside the car before getting in! Charlie

