I've got a parking sensor failure that came out of nowhere. Suddenly it gave errors for no good reason, now the errors are gone but it constantly thinks there is something right behind me, very annoying. I looked at the sensors and there is nothing visible on them. Will give them a good cleaning but I'm afraid that is not the problem. Do I need a visit to the garage for this? Just came from there last thursday when I busted a rim due to the weather.
I've got a parking sensor failure that came out of nowhere. Suddenly it gave errors for no good reason, now the errors are gone but it constantly thinks there is something right behind me, very annoying. I looked at the sensors and there is nothing visible on them. Will give them a good cleaning but I'm afraid that is not the problem. Do I need a visit to the garage for this? Just came from there last thursday when I busted a rim due to the weather.