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Does anyone's petrol DStyle sound THIS bad?

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  • #31
    Sounds a bit like transmission whine to me.

    For 'rally' sounds you need one of these!
    ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
    Bigfeet's File Repository
    The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


    • #32
      Originally posted by WTF View Post
      Tick has gone, but now I have:

      Sounds like a fake rally car now.

      Sound comes from the centre of the dash, and has pips and crackles like a speaker noise. When I indicate you can hear the ticks coming from the source.
      sounds like the suppressor on the electrics has gone and interfering with the radio. this used to happen on cars older than about 1985. you could try putting a suppressor on the stereo but perhaps the stereo is at fault.

      check the battery connections too and from the body to battery as well.
      Last edited by Toxic; 31-10-2013, 12:36.

      Peugeot 208 GTi Prestige - Orange Power


      • #33
        this video shows the interference from head units..

        Peugeot 208 GTi Prestige - Orange Power


        • #34
          Awesome, thank you

          Will take a look!
          My DS3R3... nearly....
          New? Click HERE for some useful threads.


          • #35
            Just had a look and there is an Info Rapid titled "Whistling in the central speaker changing with the engine speed", it points the finger at a connection with the Bass Box in the back.

            Because of the grief I got before I can't post it...
            Last edited by Bigfeet; 05-11-2013, 15:30.
            ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
            Bigfeet's File Repository
            The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


            • #36
              Originally posted by Bigfeet View Post
              Just had a look and there is an Info Rapid titled "Whistling in the central speaker changing with the engine speed", it points the finger at a connection with the Bass Box in the box.

              Because of the grief I got before I can't post it...
              Could you PM it to Joni or I? I imagine this is the loose earth cable fix? As the car's out of warranty are info rapide's still covered?
              cyclone> Fish is the man


              • #37
                Originally posted by Bigfeet View Post
                Just had a look and there is an Info Rapid titled "Whistling in the central speaker changing with the engine speed", it points the finger at a connection with the Bass Box in the box.

                Because of the grief I got before I can't post it...
                Ahhhh, #inforapidgate

                Thank you
                My DS3R3... nearly....
                New? Click HERE for some useful threads.


                • #38
                  Just sent Joni a link to some cute kittens....

                  My understanding would that if the car is outside warranty then the info rapids would be charged for.
                  ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
                  Bigfeet's File Repository
                  The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


                  • #39
                    Also, for anybody looking for a legacy list of IR's that I found off my own back with no assistance from Biggy please see here:


                    I'll work on moving these over to a directory on the server at some point this weekend.
                    cyclone> Fish is the man


                    • #40
                      hope you get it fixed....

                      Peugeot 208 GTi Prestige - Orange Power


                      • #41
                        I also have the joy of listening to this sound. Can I fix it on the drive or is it a job for the garage man. Struggling to locate the fix on the forum. Rob


                        • #42
                          I part exed it in....

                          But this is pretty normal I believe 😕

                          Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
                          My DS3R3... nearly....
                          New? Click HERE for some useful threads.

