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Dual Mass Flywheel Question

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  • Dual Mass Flywheel Question

    Ok, a question for any one who knows anything about clutches and flywheels!

    If a flywheel was failing, would it cause any of the following;

    1. Knocking/thudding when changing gear (usually as the clutch bites).
    2. Jerking as the clutch bites (kind of feels like driving with poor clutch control).
    3. Jerking when on and off the accelerator.
    4. Slight scraping/whining sound when in 1st and 2nd gears at low speeds, unless clutch pedal is pressed down.
    5. Knocking when turning the engine off.

    My car is going back to the dealer on Monday, for yet another drive with a mechanic to get them to acknowledge the problem. I'm almost certain the dealer knows it's something to do with flywheel/clutch/gearbox, but is stalling me because he knows it's going to be expensive to fix.

    They insist that all the mounts are OK, and that there's nothing visibly wrong.

    Any help much appreciated!

  • #2
    I'm no expert on the subject, but when the DMF went on my wife's car a while back, there was knocking, thudding & jerking a-plenty, just as you describe - although of course it doesn't necessarily follow that that's what's causing your problems.

    It's appalling that the dealer hasn't yet managed to fix this for you. Hope you receive better treatment on Monday.

    PS "They insist that ... there's nothing visibly wrong". Pah!! As if cars can only have faults that are visible on an external inspection! Morons!!
    Last edited by gar074; 18-01-2011, 09:55.


    • #3
      Yeah, the dealer is just saying they can't see anything wrong, simply because they know it's a problem with clutch/flywheel, and it going to be expensive to repair. Obviously I'm not paying because the car is under warranty, and the dealer knows that Citroen probably won't play ball in coughing up the money for a 'consumable part' so, it'll probably be left for the dealer to foot at least part of the bill.

      What's really annoying is that last time they had the car, they said it was the flywheel, then the day after denied they'd ever said it, again telling me they could find no fault, and resorting to 'it's a chracteristic of the 99g' or 'it's just the particulate filter working'.....what every time I change gear!?!?!?

      I'll post how I get on next Monday!

