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USB stick usage for music in the DS3

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  • USB stick usage for music in the DS3

    Hello Citroën Owners,

    If I'm correct, my DS3 can play music from a stick via the USB connector on the mid console.

    What I read is that you can create folders. And you can store max. 999 tracks per folder to keep it all working.

    Can I use 192 kbps MP3 files?
    Do I have to make subfolders per artist, or is tag metadata baked into the mp3 all I need?

    And playlists: does anyone know how to create them on the PC for instance?

    I did read the Citroën book but it wasn't very clear. I hope you can tell me how it works and what the best procedures are.


  • #2
    You can run any bitrate you like but opting for 192 in the car is silly as you will never be able to tell the difference from a lower kps, opt for between 96 or 128.

    No you don't have to make subfolders but it helps when trying to find a track on the go.
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    • #3
      I use one of these (32gb model)

      No annoying light and is really small so fits perfectly allowing USB cover to be closed. It's not the fastest but doesn't need to be given what it's being used for and has no problems with reading files / playback etc.

      The 32gb version has loads of space so no need to worry about mp3 bitrate - at a bitrate of 320, assuming 3.30 minutes per song it has a capacity of 4090 songs. Assuming 45 minute albums that's 318 albums:-


      • #4
        Thanks for the replies. I bought a Sandisk mini Cruzer of 32Gb, similar in dimensions.
        It is 20 euro, so somewhat more expensive but lightning fast when connected to the PC.
        I convert music straight onto the USB stick.

        So far I found that music is played alphabetically from the filename.
        I made a folder per album. I can skip to the next album with the little dial on the steering wheel panel. Maybe that's because albums are in folders?

