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Wav files not playing

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  • Wav files not playing

    Hi guys
    Just bought a ds3 cabrio dsport 2013 and am having trouble playing wav files.
    Every time I input the USB stick into the slot I get a USB PERIHERAL ERROR
    But works fine with mp3! Can anyone help please, thanks

  • #2
    Convert your wavs to MP3. Solved.
    - DS3 DSport Plus - THP 155 - Belle-ile Blue with Perla Nera Black Roof -
    - DS3Club Discord -


    • #3
      The handbook doesnt show WAV files as being playable


      • #4
        DS3 only support MP3 and VMA files, just run them all through a converting program.
        ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
        Bigfeet's File Repository
        The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


        • #5
          This is taken from the manual and wav and off are supported supposedly

          05USB BOXUSING THE USB BOX1This unit consists of a USB port and an auxiliaryJack socket * . The audio fi les are transmittedfrom a portable device - digital player or a USBmemory stick - to your Audio system and heardvia the vehicle's speakers.2USB memory stick (1.1, 1.2 and 2.0) or Appleplayer of generation 5 or later:-USB memory sticks should be formattedFAT or FAT 32 (NTFS not supported),-the Appleplayer lead is essential,®-navigation through the fi le database is alsopossible by means of the steering mountedcontrols.3Other Appleplayers of earlier generations and®®players using the MTP protocol * :-play via Jack-Jack lead only (not supplied),-navigation through the fi le database is fromthe portable device.The list of compatible equipment and the compression rates supportedare available from CITROËN dealers.1®* According to vehicle.pq p pCONNECTING A USB MEMORY STICKConnect the memory stick to the port, directly orusing a lead. If the audio equipment is switchedon, the USB source is detected as soon as itis connected. Play begins automatically after adelay which depends on the capacity of the USBmemory stick.The fi le formats supported are .mp3 (mpeg1layer 3 only), .wma (standard 9 only,128 kbits/sec compression), .wav and .ogg.Certain playlist formats are supported (m3u, ...).On reconnection of the previous memory stickused, play is resumed automatically with the lasttrack played.The system puts together playlists (temporary memory) createdover a period which depends on the capacity of the USB device.The other sources are available during this time.The playlists are updated each time the ignition is switched off oreach time a USB memory stick is connected.When connecting for the fi rst time, the classifi cation suggestedis by folder. When you reconnect, the classifi cation selectedpreviously is retained.


          • #6
            right out of the handbook that comes with your car.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2015-11-20 at 09.34.57.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	22.9 KB
ID:	359973

            All I can say if you are not willing to try the advise you asked for is keep trying your wav files and enjoy whatever is on the radio.

            What's that saying about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
            Originally posted by cyclone
            It is in the handbook. Satisfied.
            Originally posted by Broda
            I would rather teabag a bear trap


            • #7
              Just load up ITunes and import your music library, it should auto-convert all of your content which you can then load back onto your USB.
              cyclone> Fish is the man

