Today when I started my car the radio started beeping at about 1 second intervals and I couldn't do anything to stop it. The screen also flashed up with something about selecting a language like it has been reset. The DAB also didn't work, FM worked though. I tried restarting the car a couple of times but it made no difference.
I looked in the diagnostics on screen and there were no messages so I started my journey.
After about 5 minutes, and me being annoyed with the beeping, the DAB started working, so I pulled over and turned the car off and on again. This time the beeping stopped but the screen didn't come on.
So I turned it off and on again and everything was fine this time.
Looking online it seems like the beeping is something to do with the radio and ECU losing connection
Since I had the screen software update the whole radio system had been a heap of crap, can't play mp3s now this
I looked in the diagnostics on screen and there were no messages so I started my journey.
After about 5 minutes, and me being annoyed with the beeping, the DAB started working, so I pulled over and turned the car off and on again. This time the beeping stopped but the screen didn't come on.
So I turned it off and on again and everything was fine this time.
Looking online it seems like the beeping is something to do with the radio and ECU losing connection
Since I had the screen software update the whole radio system had been a heap of crap, can't play mp3s now this