Just fitted the above head unit in to my 3.
All seems OK,not got steering controls as i need a patch lead but reverse sensors work ok etc.
When I came to set it up I found the right hand door speaker silent also the dash(tweeter?)
when putting back in the old head unit it is still the same,silent.
So would the (?)tweeter only work if the door speaker was OK/connected?
Is there a connection to check to this speaker before I remove the door trim?
Recommendations for an after market replacement should i need to replace please.
All seems OK,not got steering controls as i need a patch lead but reverse sensors work ok etc.
When I came to set it up I found the right hand door speaker silent also the dash(tweeter?)
when putting back in the old head unit it is still the same,silent.
So would the (?)tweeter only work if the door speaker was OK/connected?
Is there a connection to check to this speaker before I remove the door trim?
Recommendations for an after market replacement should i need to replace please.