You actually get used to it really quickly and the bigger screen makes the HD movies on it look so much nicer, same with the games that take advantage of the 4 graphics cores and it's great for copilot live satnav beacuse of the larger screen. I also really like the fact the processor is powerful enough to record full 1080p video at full 30FPS, lovely quality from the lens and the camera has zero shutter lag as well and it's 8MPx so again, lovely quality pics, great colour balance out of it and everything.
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iPhone 4 or 4s
Black on Black DSports+ THP 155 16v Custom Remap to 193BHP; 230lb/ft
Ahhhhh, the sweet sound of reason lol
Black on Black DSports+ THP 155 16v Custom Remap to 193BHP; 230lb/ft
Integral bluetooth for streaming audio and headphone gateway plus USB stick player dohicky and reversing sensors.
There's lots of options for bluetooth with things like the motorokr that's an FM trnasmitter to more complicated systems- all about how much you want to throw at it
Black on Black DSports+ THP 155 16v Custom Remap to 193BHP; 230lb/ft