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Bluetooth connection with Samsung Galaxy S4

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  • #16
    it maybe the version of Bluetooth on your Connecting Box...

    Citroen show 1.82 as the latest but how you get this is beyond me as they dont say how you can update the software on the connecting box.

    Press the menu key
    Select "Settings"
    Select "About Phone"
    Android Version
    The current software level for your car is displayed by following these steps
    To find your current software version, please contact your car dealer
    What version of JB do you have on your s4?

    Peugeot 208 GTi Prestige - Orange Power


    • #17
      I had a software update on the s4. Just go to settings and search for update. It now works for me so it would suggest it was a glitch in the s4 software.


      • #18
        what versions etc are you running now pinkyfloyd4 im on android 4.2.2 and still suffering


        • #19
          Im on 4.2.2 also. Did you not get a software update over wifi a few weeks back?


          • #20
            Not that I remember. Still no luck on the connection of calls


            • #21

              im having the exact same problem my car was deleivered yesterday so is brand new and my s4 has the lastes software up date

              evertime i call it cust off or is someone calls me it cuts out so annoying

              it needs to be sorted no point in having blutooth if you cant use it with certain devices

              thats not fair


              • #22
                I would definatly say its the S4 rather then the DS3. My S2 worked fine and the girlfriends Sony Ericsson. Out of interest what networks are you both on? Im on Orange EE so maybe my update was connected to that and you both just haven't had yours yet?? Im sure it will work eventualy. I waited nearly 3 months and now have no problems.


                • #23
                  My S4 works perfectly with my car stereo to stream music and phone functions. Very simple to set up too

                  Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
                  ***** Clio 182 182BHP - SOLD *****
                  ***** DS3 DSport Plus 155THP - SOLD *****
                  ***** Audi S3 300BHP - KEEPING *****
                  ***** DS3 Performance Black 210THP - CANCELLED ORDER *****



                  • #24
                    we know its simple to set up

                    its the fact that it just doesnt work

                    very strange


                    • #25
                      If your s4 is up to date, then get your dealer to check you have the latest version of software on the connecting box.

                      1.82 is the latest AFAIK.

                      Sent from my GT-I9100

                      Peugeot 208 GTi Prestige - Orange Power


                      • #26
                        OK so here is what I have found out so far:

                        it seems that it is the fault of the s4, more accurately the baseband version...

                        each network releases the updates for this separately as each runs different tests etc on the new versions...for example I am on O2 not EE as pinkyfloyd is thus he has the update and I do not, it appears that indeed it is just a case of playing the waiting game


                        • #27
                          I have an S4, and works perfect, my dad has an S4, and does the same as the OP

                          my baseband I9505xxubmga
                          dads baseband xxubmea

                          my kernal 3.4.0-1081224 july 11
                          dads kernal 3.4.0-768421 may 30

                          so i would say Oracist is correct, my dad has arranged for his S4 to be exchanged by O2, and if the baseband is different to mine they will be putting on the July edition of the software on for him at an O2 shop (hopefully sorting it out)
                          DS3 DSport 120 Blue HDI - Belle-ile Blue with Black Roof


                          • #28
                            Let me know how you get on, mine details are the same as your dad's!


                            • #29
                              his new S4 came today, and has the same Baseband as his previous, and same issue.
                              he is going to O2 tomorrow where they say they can put on the july issue.
                              for info my handset is unlocked from factory (not sure if this makes a difference)
                              DS3 DSport 120 Blue HDI - Belle-ile Blue with Black Roof


                              • #30
                                he took it to O2 as it had same baseband, got it updated at the shop, and now has baseband 19505xxu BMF8
                                kernal 3.4.0-917495
                                and now works flawlessly
                                DS3 DSport 120 Blue HDI - Belle-ile Blue with Black Roof

