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MP3 CD Player problems...

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  • MP3 CD Player problems...

    I've had a problem since day one with the CD Player.

    MP3 discs are really hit and miss and I don't know why.

    Anyone got a working way of doing them? I'm just burning them as a data disc and you'd have thought it would work all the time... but it doesn't... I've had one working in the whole time I've had it.

    I can use Deezer which is free with the network I'm on, but I'd rather just have it on disc.


  • #2
    Are you using a CD-R or CD-RW?
    ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
    Bigfeet's File Repository
    The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


    • #3
      Yeah they're just CD-R's mate


      • #4
        The way I've done it in the past was to just open the disc and drag and drop the MP3's I wanted in a single directory structure, always worked for me like that.
        ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
        Bigfeet's File Repository
        The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


        • #5
          First time I done it, I'm positive it was folder formatted by album. I'll give that a try now and i'll report back.


          • #6
            I had the same problem with eMyWay, again and again. Not only while playing MP3 CDs but also with MP3 on USB sticks.

            I searched in the manuals and found the following:
            The filenames of the MP3s should not be longer than 20 characters. And they should not include special characters like !?_'* etc.
            On CDs you can have up to 8 folders, but not more than 2 levels (folder\subfolder\subsubfolder won't work properly).
            On USB sticks, you can have a bigger count of folders in 8 levels.
            On both media, there should not be any other stuff than music files. No documents, pictures, executables etc. Could damage the player SW.

            I made another MP3 CD with shorter filenames, and it seems to work so far. Nearly all songs are played from beginning to the end. Only one was interrupted. But I experienced, that most cars have problems with the hardware. E.g. driving a narrow bend can trigger an action like "go next" or "change source".

            The stick I had in use does not work properly anyway, I will try another one soon.

