Hi guys,
Just fitted my short shifter and tought: let's make a guid: So here a small guide on how to fit a M-tech shortshifter on a 5-speed geabox(http://www.short-shifters.com/mtech-...t-shifter.html) I've fitted it on a 1.6 e-HDI 90 Airdream from 2011
Tools required:
- flat head screwdriver
- spanner 7 & 11 mm
- socket wrench with 10, 11 & 13 mm socket
- jack
- cross wrench
Apparently i've deleted the pictures from my cloud
luckily the guys from m-tech copied my guide/pictures into their instructions:
1. start with removing the airbox in front of the battery by popping up the plastic clip and pushing the retaining clip towards the battery

2.disconnect the - side of the battery and remove the ECU cover

3. Disconnect the 3 ECU connectors and remove the ECU

4. Remove the 'thing'(sorry have no idea how it's called) on top of the battery by puching it to the back. If it has come loose push it to the reight side of the battery and leave it there

5. Remove the battery cover and disconnect the + side of the battery with a 10mm socket wrench

6. Remove the bolt fitting securing the battery with a 13mm socket wrench and remove the battery

7. Remove the two bolts securing the battery tray with a 13mm socket wrench and flip the battery tray forwards(there are some cables secured to it)

8. Remove the bolt securing the second (metal) battery tray with a 13mm socket wrench and loosen up the tray. There are also some cables secured to it but just leave the tray in it's place. This will give you more space to reach the gear linkages(wich you can see by now).

9. Remove the (cables)gear linkages on the top and on the left side of the shift linkage by using a 11mm spanner as leverage. Remove the plastic gear linkage the same way with a 7mm spanner. This one is a bit difficult to reach.
10. Jack up the front of the car and remove the left front wheel.
11. In the wheel arch there is a hole. You can see the underside of the white plastic bracket where the original shift linkage is mounted on. Remove the nut securing the bottom of the white bracket with a 11mm socket wrech.

12. Remove the two bolts on top of the white plastic bracket. And flip the bracket & shift linkage over so you can see the underside.
13. Remove the retaining ring with a flathead screwdriver(you wont be needing this one) keep the other two rings(a big normal one and a spring ring). Flip over the plastic bracket and remove the shift linkage
14. Take the short shifter and greasen the shaft and underside. Mount the short shifter on the plasti bracket and flip it over again. Put the big ring, the spring ring and the small ring over the shaf and secure it with the nut using a 10mm socket wrench(small ring & nut came with the short shifter) Don't over tighten the nut, the short shifter has to move freely
More about point 13 & 14 you can find in the M-tech guide:https://static.webshopapp.com/shops/.../be4-shift.pdf
15. Flip over the plastic bracket again and secure it with the two bolts using a 13mm socket wrench. Secure the underside of the plastic bracket with the nut using a 1mm socket wrench. Put the wheel back on and lower the car.
16. Pop on the two (cables)gear linkages on the top of the short shifter and the plastic gear linkage at the back. If the these are secured get in the car and test all gears.
17. If you're satisfied secure the metal battery tray(one 13mm bolt), the plastic battery tray(two 13mm bolts) and put the battery back in. Secure it with the bolt fitting(13mm)
18. Connect the + of the battery and put the battery cover back on. Secure the 'thing' back on top of the battery
19. Refit the ECU and re-connect it. Refit the ECU cover and connect the - of the battery. Refit the airbox in front of the battery
20. Make a test drive and enjoy 35% less gear throw and that lovely ``Klick-klack`` feeling
Just fitted my short shifter and tought: let's make a guid: So here a small guide on how to fit a M-tech shortshifter on a 5-speed geabox(http://www.short-shifters.com/mtech-...t-shifter.html) I've fitted it on a 1.6 e-HDI 90 Airdream from 2011
Tools required:
- flat head screwdriver
- spanner 7 & 11 mm
- socket wrench with 10, 11 & 13 mm socket
- jack
- cross wrench
Apparently i've deleted the pictures from my cloud

1. start with removing the airbox in front of the battery by popping up the plastic clip and pushing the retaining clip towards the battery
2.disconnect the - side of the battery and remove the ECU cover
3. Disconnect the 3 ECU connectors and remove the ECU
4. Remove the 'thing'(sorry have no idea how it's called) on top of the battery by puching it to the back. If it has come loose push it to the reight side of the battery and leave it there
5. Remove the battery cover and disconnect the + side of the battery with a 10mm socket wrench
6. Remove the bolt fitting securing the battery with a 13mm socket wrench and remove the battery
7. Remove the two bolts securing the battery tray with a 13mm socket wrench and flip the battery tray forwards(there are some cables secured to it)
8. Remove the bolt securing the second (metal) battery tray with a 13mm socket wrench and loosen up the tray. There are also some cables secured to it but just leave the tray in it's place. This will give you more space to reach the gear linkages(wich you can see by now).
9. Remove the (cables)gear linkages on the top and on the left side of the shift linkage by using a 11mm spanner as leverage. Remove the plastic gear linkage the same way with a 7mm spanner. This one is a bit difficult to reach.
10. Jack up the front of the car and remove the left front wheel.
11. In the wheel arch there is a hole. You can see the underside of the white plastic bracket where the original shift linkage is mounted on. Remove the nut securing the bottom of the white bracket with a 11mm socket wrech.
12. Remove the two bolts on top of the white plastic bracket. And flip the bracket & shift linkage over so you can see the underside.
13. Remove the retaining ring with a flathead screwdriver(you wont be needing this one) keep the other two rings(a big normal one and a spring ring). Flip over the plastic bracket and remove the shift linkage
14. Take the short shifter and greasen the shaft and underside. Mount the short shifter on the plasti bracket and flip it over again. Put the big ring, the spring ring and the small ring over the shaf and secure it with the nut using a 10mm socket wrench(small ring & nut came with the short shifter) Don't over tighten the nut, the short shifter has to move freely
More about point 13 & 14 you can find in the M-tech guide:https://static.webshopapp.com/shops/.../be4-shift.pdf
15. Flip over the plastic bracket again and secure it with the two bolts using a 13mm socket wrench. Secure the underside of the plastic bracket with the nut using a 1mm socket wrench. Put the wheel back on and lower the car.
16. Pop on the two (cables)gear linkages on the top of the short shifter and the plastic gear linkage at the back. If the these are secured get in the car and test all gears.
17. If you're satisfied secure the metal battery tray(one 13mm bolt), the plastic battery tray(two 13mm bolts) and put the battery back in. Secure it with the bolt fitting(13mm)
18. Connect the + of the battery and put the battery cover back on. Secure the 'thing' back on top of the battery
19. Refit the ECU and re-connect it. Refit the ECU cover and connect the - of the battery. Refit the airbox in front of the battery
20. Make a test drive and enjoy 35% less gear throw and that lovely ``Klick-klack`` feeling
