Since this is a popular mod, and nobody's put together a dedicated guide yet, I thought I'd throw one together.
Sorry there are no pictures, a) because I forgot, and b) because it's very simple - when looking at the wiring looms side by side everything is really easy to work out.
- I went from lowest grade seats to buckets.
- My base car was a 2011 DStyle Plus
- The 2016+ models and the sports seats in the DSport/Prestige/Ultra Prestige may have slightly different wiring but the same process applies.
1) Remove the front seats using a torx 40 socket attachment and the guide located here:
2) Flip both seats onto their backs and have each side by side with the replacement bucket seat
3) Remove the black sheaths from each wiring plug by pushing down a lever on one side and sliding it out sideways. You will need to cut off a cable tie to fully remove it.
4) The original seat has 6 wires and pins. Note their locations.
- 1x Yellow, 1x Orange: Side airbags. Identical location on old and new seat
- 2x Black: Earth wires
- 1x Blue, 1x Green: Seatbelt warning sensor, and I think the seatbelt pretensioner. Or the child seat sensor as the driver's seat lacks it.
One leads to a black plug, one leads to a white plug under the seat. Note which goes where.
The bucket seat has 5 wires and pins:
- 1x Yellow, 1x Orange: As above
- 1x Thicker Yellow/Green: Both earth wires combined
- 1x Cream, 1x Greyish: Seatbelt/pretensioner/child seat/whatever (as above)
Again, one leads to a black plug, one leads to a white plug under the seat. Note which goes where.
5) Leave the airbag pins where they are. Use a mini screwdriver or other pointy device to poke the clips on the side of the plug to release the green/yellow, cream, and grey wires.
6) Match up the wires and attached pins with the wires on the original plug. You can put the green/yellow wire in either of the black wire positions. Make sure the pins click into place.
7) Replace the black sheath
Similar process as above, but the original seat only has 5 wires and pins. Follow the wires to the black and white plugs and switch the new seat's pins as necessary. The yellow and orange wires never change position. By this point you'll have got the hang of it and should only take 2 minutes.
8) Refit the new seats using the reverse process in step 1
9) Test that the seatbelt warning functions work by taking a short drive up and down your road, getting past 10mph. If the airbag wires were accidentally moved, you will get an airbag disconnected warning on the centre screen.
Enjoy your new bucket seats!
Any questions I will do my best to answer, as I do plan to stick around on the forum even after moving on from a DS3 some way down the line
Sorry there are no pictures, a) because I forgot, and b) because it's very simple - when looking at the wiring looms side by side everything is really easy to work out.
- I went from lowest grade seats to buckets.
- My base car was a 2011 DStyle Plus
- The 2016+ models and the sports seats in the DSport/Prestige/Ultra Prestige may have slightly different wiring but the same process applies.
1) Remove the front seats using a torx 40 socket attachment and the guide located here:
2) Flip both seats onto their backs and have each side by side with the replacement bucket seat
3) Remove the black sheaths from each wiring plug by pushing down a lever on one side and sliding it out sideways. You will need to cut off a cable tie to fully remove it.
4) The original seat has 6 wires and pins. Note their locations.
- 1x Yellow, 1x Orange: Side airbags. Identical location on old and new seat
- 2x Black: Earth wires
- 1x Blue, 1x Green: Seatbelt warning sensor, and I think the seatbelt pretensioner. Or the child seat sensor as the driver's seat lacks it.
One leads to a black plug, one leads to a white plug under the seat. Note which goes where.
The bucket seat has 5 wires and pins:
- 1x Yellow, 1x Orange: As above
- 1x Thicker Yellow/Green: Both earth wires combined
- 1x Cream, 1x Greyish: Seatbelt/pretensioner/child seat/whatever (as above)
Again, one leads to a black plug, one leads to a white plug under the seat. Note which goes where.
5) Leave the airbag pins where they are. Use a mini screwdriver or other pointy device to poke the clips on the side of the plug to release the green/yellow, cream, and grey wires.
6) Match up the wires and attached pins with the wires on the original plug. You can put the green/yellow wire in either of the black wire positions. Make sure the pins click into place.
7) Replace the black sheath
Similar process as above, but the original seat only has 5 wires and pins. Follow the wires to the black and white plugs and switch the new seat's pins as necessary. The yellow and orange wires never change position. By this point you'll have got the hang of it and should only take 2 minutes.
8) Refit the new seats using the reverse process in step 1
9) Test that the seatbelt warning functions work by taking a short drive up and down your road, getting past 10mph. If the airbag wires were accidentally moved, you will get an airbag disconnected warning on the centre screen.
Enjoy your new bucket seats!
Any questions I will do my best to answer, as I do plan to stick around on the forum even after moving on from a DS3 some way down the line
