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How to configure Central voltage retention device

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  • How to configure Central voltage retention device

    My DS3 1,6 HDi 110 has stopped stopping.
    Not referring to the brakes, but the start/stop function

    Just got a Diagbox, and it tells me that the Central voltage retention device is present, but configured not to be present, see the picture.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	DMTC config.PNG
Views:	2192
Size:	44.5 KB
ID:	397905

    So the question is: How do I configure it to be active again? I have no idea why it has become deactivated.

    The alternator seems to work fine (as a generator at least) keeping the battery voltage at 13.9 to 14 V also when switching on heavy electical consumers.

    I guess this is the reason I am having the yellow "Service" light on, so my main goal is to get rid of that, so even configuring the car to not use start/stop would be fine.

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    you do have the option of just mapping it out

    Dislike my Stop/ start as it fails every now and again, and I'm left looking like an idiot for a few seconds getting it going

    Saves no fuel, as another post on here suggests, so don't see the point. A built in problem methinks
    Jog on Noddy


    • #3
      It is the "just mapping it out" I don't know how to do. Is there any documentation about how to use the Diagbox/Lexia? To me it looks like the only way of changing any setting is doing it "online" i.e. getting some new setting downloaded from a PSA server. I don't have access to such servers.
      Sorry for this simple question, have only had little time to play with the Diagbox, and it is so slow to use :-(


      • #4
        These can be enabled in the bsi (configured/presend modules). But it won't go to this state by itself, so it has always been like this. Same as the trailer relay box on mine. It there just not used.
        It will get the commands/send commands on the can bus loop, nothing to worry about. It's not because the bsi doens't know about it that it doens't try to send commands. My c2 has a ds3 with bluetooth module (nomade v2) in this state, still picks up all the signals it needs to work (like ecu readout).


        • #5
          Well, since the start-stop function has stopped working, I am not convinced it has allways been configured not to be there. So I got it configured to be present and not giving the warning anymore. As I feared, making this simple operation was not very intuitively implemented in the DiagBox software. Sometimes you have to click on the checkmark button, sometimes you have to press the enter key instead.

          So in case anybody else has a need for changing a configuration, this is how I did it:

          home->repair->bsi->configuration->manual configuration->ecus present->select specific ecu

          <Enter> (gearbox button appear in the bottom right corner of the screen)
          select specific ecu once again

          Now comes the tricky part, press the 3 keys:
          This makes two bars appear to either configure it present or not present

          click present will get it green highlighted
          click on the gearbox button

          If this solves my problem, I don't know yet,

          I think my battery needs some charging before there is a chance.

          But one change I observed is that I now don't get a warning about the Eco mode being disabled when I start the car now.

