Noticed quite a few DS3`s in my area always get a wave back, got a really pretty smile back too.
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DS3 owners are so freindly.
Same- saw this stunning lass with her friend in a black and yellow Dsports the other day- quick wave and a wink and got the same back from them both- happy days
Black on Black DSports+ THP 155 16v Custom Remap to 193BHP; 230lb/ft
Would do with my one but haven't seen it since- they they were from out of the area :-(
Black on Black DSports+ THP 155 16v Custom Remap to 193BHP; 230lb/ft
bloody southerners...hahahaha
Black on Black DSports+ THP 155 16v Custom Remap to 193BHP; 230lb/ft
There's alot of Motor Schools with them up here- all eHDI 90's because they#re so fuel efficient and some great deals on them...couldn't think of a better car to learn how to drive in but when they go to buy their first car and drive it they might be a little disappointed having driven a DS3
Black on Black DSports+ THP 155 16v Custom Remap to 193BHP; 230lb/ft
There is a Motor School here using a DS3 the same colour as mine. I learnt to drive in a brand new Ford Escort back in the 60's when the Escort was new to the market, a great car compact and easy to drive. Never owned one though, my first car was a Corsair.
I learned in a Land Rover in the Marines- getting a Peugot 106 as a runaround after that was a little 'different'...lol
Black on Black DSports+ THP 155 16v Custom Remap to 193BHP; 230lb/ft
co-or...bit nippy for a learner car!
Black on Black DSports+ THP 155 16v Custom Remap to 193BHP; 230lb/ft