Thanks Chris for the info and chatting about the Club whilst at Trax!
To kick start our relationship with Megs we have been invited to detailing seminar
'Hosting "Workshops" or seminars for car enthusiasts is an important part Meguiar's everyday global activity. In the UK we have spoken at many club regional and national meeting venues about Meguiar's automotive surface care. In the summer months, weather and venue permitting, we follow our PowerPoint presentation with some hands-on practice of techniques and products on a members car, typically in the car park.
With the recent move to our new facilities in Daventry, it is now possible for us to host such events almost entirely indoors, in optimal conditions.
We can also do a live demo at your club AGM or annual meet.
Our seminars consist of:-
- A 45 minute presentation of "Best Practice" in the Training Room. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and hopefully dispel a few myths.
- An hour or so working on a visitor's car in our Detailing Bay to demonstrate products and techniques and give visitors an opportunity to try for themselves.
- Every visitor receives a pack of sachet samples to take away.
We aim to attract enthusiasts with a passion for making their car look the best it possibly can. When such people have experienced Meguiar's products for themselves, they invariably become advocates for our brand.
In the final analysis our motives are entirely selfish.
Our facilities can accommodate 12-20 people, and we will provide refreshments during the morning. We aim to start the seminar at 10am but ask if you can aim to arrive for 09.30am where we will provide refreshments'
Meguiars UK Ltd.
3 Lamport Court
NN11 8UF
There is a maximum of 20 people, but this will be something we do again I'm sure!
So who would be up for this?