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Eye of Horus Represents | Ancient Egyptian Eye Symbols

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  • Eye of Horus Represents | Ancient Egyptian Eye Symbols

    The Eye of Horus, also known as the Wedjat Eye, represents several key aspects in ancient Egyptian symbolism and mythology. Here are the primary meanings and representations associated with the Eye of Horus:
    1. Protection: The Eye of Horus is a powerful protective symbol. It was believed to have the ability to ward off evil spirits, protect against harm, and ensure the well-being of the wearer. It was often used as an amulet or protective charm.
    2. Healing and Restoration: The Eye of Horus is closely associated with the mythological story of Horus and Seth. According to the myth, Seth, the god of chaos, tore out one of Horus's eyes during their battle. The eye was later restored by the goddess Hathor, signifying healing and wholeness. As a result, the Eye of Horus is seen as a symbol of healing and restoration.
    3. Mathematical and Fractional Symbolism: The Eye of Horus is divided into six parts, each of which represents a fractional value in ancient Egyptian mathematics. These fractions are associated with different deities and have numerical significance in mathematical calculations and measurements.
    4. Spiritual and Magical Significance: The Eye of Horus was considered a potent and magical symbol with the ability to bring blessings and good fortune. It was often used in rituals and ceremonies to invoke its protective and beneficial powers.
    5. Unity and Balance: In Egyptian cosmology, the Eye of Horus represented the concept of unity and balance. It symbolized the harmonious interplay between opposing forces, such as light and darkness, good and evil, and order and chaos.
    6. Royal Authority: The Eye of Horus was linked to the pharaoh and royal authority. It symbolized the pharaoh's role as the earthly embodiment of Horus, the god of kingship and order. It reinforced the pharaoh's divine right to rule and maintain order in Egypt.