So how much did they get right in Back to Future when they predicted how we be living today....
1. The flying car
This may not be reality quite yet, but as Doc Brown pointed out “This sucker’s electrical”, and today, we are seeing a huge rise in electric cars, not to mention the developments in both connected and self-driving cars.
2. Virtual reality
In the film Marty’s kids used wearable tech to watch TV and take calls. Now with technologies like Microsoft’s HoloLens and with the consumer version of Oculus Rift is poised to hit households next year, so we’re not far off.
3. Video Calling
Back in the 1980s the concept of video telephone calls for everyone was definitely fiction, but today tools like Skype and FaceTime are the norm.
4. Hoverboards
Frustratingly, we don’t yet have access to the kind of hoverboards Marty used in the film, but this year two promising prototypes, both powered by magnets, were released (although given last weeks “hoverboards in public places” fiasco in the UK, it seems it will be legal issues rather than technical ones that prevent our progress)
5. Self-lacing shoes
Again, these are not propping up the shelves of your local shoe shop but ‘smart clothes’ and wearable tech already exists and will become more prevalent and integrated in our lives moving forward
There's loads more, fingerprint scanners, 3D bill boards
Google Glasses...

We should all be dressing like this

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