Forged in Fire is an original competition series hosted by weapons expert and U.S. Army and Air Force veteran Wil Willis, featuring world-class bladesmiths competing to create history’s most iconic edged weapons.
In each episode, four of the nation’s finest bladesmiths come together to put their skill and reputations on the line, trying to avoid elimination and win the $10,000 prize. They use sweat, fire, force of will, and a well-equipped forge to turn raw material into authentic, fully functional implements of war.
These weapons must stand up to a battery of strength and sharpness tests, as well as the critical assessment of our expert judges David Baker, Doug Marcaida, and ABS Master Bladesmiths J. Neilson & Jason Knight. The fourth season features all new challenges and special event episodes that set the bar of competition-bladesmithing to unimaginable new heights.
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Think it's on Sky.
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