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New Start, New Job.

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  • New Start, New Job.

    Some may be aware but i have moved to a new house deep in the Essex countryside, this place really is where i want to be, i have two gun dogs and although a towny of cockney descendancy, love the countryside.
    I normally work overseas, most of the last seven years have been in the middle east or asia and the 20 years before than in the forces, it was time for a change and this seemed like the right time.
    Some may think im mad, leaving an extremely well paid and (in other peoples view) exciting job but i felt the time was right.
    So the upshot is, well my income has dropped through the floor, not a major issue as i've never been particularly frivolous with my money but it's come as a shock to my teenage daughter who grew up knowing a way of life, not her fault just circumstance.
    The next step, well im currently in discussion with several people regarding various consultancy tasks. The world of being a hostile enviroment close protection officer for the US DoD/DoS may seem a mile away from working the UK domestic circuit but in recent times with the current threat it isnt.

    Although my main business is threat mitigation to HNW types, i do have a large network of those involved in investigation, surveillance and all that "is he/she cheating on me" stuff. PM for advice.

    Love SFG