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quick question for anyone that knows about how cars work

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  • quick question for anyone that knows about how cars work

    howdy, I tried to recreate the problem I had this morning when I was driving home tonight. This wasn't easy as there was an accident on then A40 so I was stuck doing 10mph most of the way home.

    Anyway, once I passed the accident I started to accelerate (heavily) in fourth and once I got up to avrg 50mph the power cut in and out like the wheels were spinning or something.You can feel the "bump" in the accelerator as the power comes and goes and I'm just wondering.

    Is this happening because I should be in a higher gear and the power is cutting out to avoid damage? The thing is the RPM is not getting THAT high and so I don't think that's the reason.

    There aren't any engine fault lights or ESP lights or anything flashing up. It's not dangerous as the car is still hurtling along nicely, I just want to make sure that it's not something going that should be looked at before something big goes wrong.

    I know absolutely nothing about cars which is why I ask you lot as when I take my car in on Sat I'll be told "it's the space hopper cutting thrusters due to the hamster-wheel bearing being off centre" to which I'll just have to nod like an idiot.

    I'm glad I've not made any mods to the car yet as I'd be paranoid now that it was my fault (although my driving could be to blame).

    So yeah, any advice would be greatly appreciated as it always is.

  • #2

    Sounds a bit clutchy!



    • #3
      Either the turbo kicking in with poor traction (ESP should have flashed up though) or the THP power loss problem that's been reported a few times before. It only happens for a couple of seconds/milliseconds. Kinda feels like you're being shunted back right?
      cyclone> Fish is the man


      • #4
        Scrap my first comment. Re-reading it, it sounds exactly like the power loss problem reported in the THP's

        See Biggy's link to the info rapid:
        cyclone> Fish is the man


        • #5
          av got the same thing and through it was the spark plug took them out and one had started to go already after 18,000 miles more than the rest but the guy said it looked more like the plug holder was going nt sure but it hasnt happend lately and havnt changed the spark plugs so am still unsure


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dangerousfish View Post
            Scrap my first comment. Re-reading it, it sounds exactly like the power loss problem reported in the THP's

            See Biggy's link to the info rapid:
            nice one mate, youre a legend. I'll take this info to Citroen on Saturday.


            • #7
              Originally posted by DS3 enthusiast View Post
              nice one mate, youre a legend.
              See, Fish? Someone on here appreciates you!


              • #8
                Howdy all,

                So Saturday I spent 2 hours at my favourite Citroen franchise waiting for my pig to come out from her operation. Just after the 2nd hour I was met with a sad face. Having pulled my car apart they could not locate the piece that needed fixing (my bluetooth & USB not working) and so they told me they'd need at least another hour but that was just to out my car back together. I asked if I could take one of their courtesy DS3's out for a while and I could leave my car with them for a few more hours and they agreed.

                I was really happy because they gave me the standard DS3 with the diesel engine which I was originally planning on buying but having taken the sport for a two day test drive there was no way I was giving it back and settling for anything less.

                When I stepped into the car I was immediately met with the warm fabric smell I was used to so long ago. I never wanted leather seats but since my car was built with them as standard I gave in, now I could never be without them and I love that warm leather smell of the fabric and the comfort? well it's a totally different class. The second downgrade was the Air-con. How can something be considered "premium" with those cheap plastic knobs? I left them alone incase the fell off and wound my window down instead.

                Dropped the clutch and almost put my foot through the footwell, I'm used to some solid resistance from my clutch, this had nothing and as the key was turned she came to life.I seriously can't begin to describe how amazing the engine sounds, I'm used to the chugging of my petrol engine (which is normal, honest) and the diesel was super quiet, well done Citroen! I then eventually found first in the watery pouch that is the gear lever and off I went.

                On my way home there's a sweet little road that should be 50mph but it's a nice 70mph stretch with very few hidden police and so I put my foot down and when I got to avrg 40mph I was in real pain. I'd read on here about the buffeting that some were getting but I'd never had it in mine even on motorways with my window down. I kd you not it was so painful even at 40! I had to put the window up quickly for fear of going deaf (still hurts now).

                I joined the motorway and it just didn't have any ooomph that I'm used to and so decided to join slowly behind a Cooper One, I felt very sad. When I eventually got up to 70 I dropped the clutch and went for 6th. Thankfully just as I took it from 5th I remembered that it wasn't my car and that 6th in this car is reverse! shaking my head and calling myself a knob under my breath I made my way home.

                I got home, took a photo of the lesser car and then went about my business. No more than 20 minutes later I received a call that my car was ready, I asked if ready meant reassembled or fixed and it was the latter, yay!

                So yeah I get to Citroen and pick up my gorgeous well-made incredibly well priced car and talk to the guy about the lack of turbo in mine, (fyi I mentioned it when I dropped it in but left that out of the story) and it turns out that it had left a nice message on their system that the knock sensor did something and that it was probably a bit of crappy petrol, should the problem happen again I was to take the car back in and they would investigate further, I'm happy with that.

                I then mentioned the fact that most of the cars in the forecourt had the red dots by the valve on the tyres and he said it meant nothing, I should have brought along the internet thingy that was posted shouldn't I? Never mind

                and so I conclude - My car is amazing, it works fine, compared to standard DS3's it really is a premium car!


                • #9
                  wow, that's quite long (oooh err)


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      Hmmm....... thats not how to win friends and influence people...

                      You may have the top spec version but don't throw stones that those who don't.
                      ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
                      Bigfeet's File Repository
                      The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bigfeet76 View Post
                        Hmmm....... thats not how to win friends and influence people...

                        You may have the top spec version but don't throw stones that those who don't.
                        Wot 'e said too!


                        • #13
                          It's Ok...

                          He's Better Than Us Lowlifes...


                          • #14
                            So, a Seventeen grand DS3 turns out to be better than a Fifteen grand one - who'd have thought it?


                            • #15
                              Lol it'll crumple just ad nice in a car crash...

                              Also ds3r is top spec so you lose

                              | DStyle Nav 1.2 PureTech 110 |
                              Third time around.
                              Work in Progress

