well just got me ds3 back after 2 days to touch up the front bumper hairline scratches looks lurrrrrrvly now but i left a post it note on the dash saying ( do not clean ) as i washed and polished the car b4 it went in ( 2 days in a bloody c1 does nowt for ya street cred lol would have had more fun driving a pepsi cola can ) well gotta get the buckets out find all me cleaning prods and spend the next 2-3 hours getting it to how it was when i gave it to them. phoned me dealer n told him to tell the twonk that washed my car to never touch it again there was wax over the glass and smudges everywhere as for the dash he must av used a bloody dishcloth on it. time to get the anti static out on that i've never known a car to come back dirtier than it went in and the rubber bit under the front bumper looked like a ying&yang half black half grey anyone know whats good to use on it as i dont want to fcuk it up
well thats my spleen vented hope you lot av a better day than me lol
well thats my spleen vented hope you lot av a better day than me lol