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Speeding Ticket =( Anyone Got Any Tips ?...

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  • #16
    I've been in the same boat Zack. My first three months of driving I got done for 55 in a 30 at 2 in the morning on the way back from the girlfriends house.

    It sucks and the insurance excess will suck a whole lot more.

    Like I said before, gutted =/
    cyclone> Fish is the man


    • #17
      Take the points, if you go to court and lose you'll get 4 points and £250 fine, take the points, don't argue, my mates a cop and said don't waste your time.


      • #18
        sorry to say this but looks like you might be looking for a cycle owners club soon.Shame and not had your car very long either.Thats if you can afford a bike after the fines.I really do feel for you ,but would have thought coming as you do from the land of the speed camera you would have been more careful.How much was your insurance before this happened?


        • #19
          IIRC in an earlier thread it's a lot >.<
          cyclone> Fish is the man


          • #20
            'Totting up' disqualification
            Disqualification for a minimum of 6 months must be ordered if an offender incurs 12 penalty points or more within a 3 year period. Totting up disqualifications, unlike other disqualifications, erase all penalty points.

            Zack even best case, if you get 6 points then you must be really careful afterwards as you'll be on 9 and then it will be an automatic ban, i thought it was more than 12, but it seems that it is 12 or more ;-(
            Life's too short to grow up! ;0)


            • #21
              Hey everyone who is 'righteous' in their response... Zack has posted this thread for help and advice in a away that is open and honest. How many people would actually be this honest and post this.

              We all make mistakes and some of us are luckier than others and some take risks more than others. Yes speeding is not good and dangerous, but we ALL make mistakes and learn from them and being caught twice is not uncommon.

              Keep your chin up Zack as most of us understand and we all agree that this is unfortunate and that we all need to watch our speeds whether it is a little or a lot over the speed in those few moments.

              Just be honest to the courts like you are and hopefully they will take that into consideration.

              ps Zack's earlier post of FML means Fxck My Life! and not Fxck Myself Laughing! in case it was interpreted wrongly!

              "Before the tongue can speak, it must have lost the power to wound." Peace Pilgrim - Wise words in this case....
              Life's too short to grow up! ;0)


              • #22

                I Know Its Wrong And All That But Theres No Need For Some Of You To Be Twats About It...

                Like Mike Said, I Was Asking For Help / Past Experience Not Bragging...

                Oh And An Update: The Point Where I Was Caught Is Definitely 40mph Drove Down There Last Night And Had A Good Look At Every Lampost / Speed Sign / Road Sign And The 30mph Zone Doesn't Kick In Untill About 200m AFTER The Spot I Got Caught...

                Yes I Know That I Didn't Explain Fully In My Original Post But The Road Is A Dual Lane B Road With 40 Signs All Along It And I Always Travel About 40 In It And So Does Everyone Else...

                Was Looking All Over Various Forums Last Night And It Looks Like Im Going To Court No Matter What =(

                Definitely Going To Fight It On The Basis Of It's A 40... Hopefully Only Get 3 Points Then...


                • #23
                  Proof that even music video producers make mistakes ;-)

                  Life's too short to grow up! ;0)


                  • #24
                    Surely if you can prove that the road is a 40 limit (take plenty of pictures) and the cops take you to court for doing 51 in a 30 limit, then their case is a no brainer and should get thrown out, never mind that you were exceeding the 40 limit (unless they realise beforhand and change the charge.
                    Seems to me that if they cock-up the charge and get the facts wrong then it should be case dismissed & goodnight Vienna.
                    Hope you get all the evidence that you need and get it squashed


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by T 24CK T View Post

                      I Know Its Wrong And All That But Theres No Need For Some Of You To Be Twats About It...

                      Like Mike Said, I Was Asking For Help / Past Experience Not Bragging...

                      Oh And An Update: The Point Where I Was Caught Is Definitely 40mph Drove Down There Last Night And Had A Good Look At Every Lampost / Speed Sign / Road Sign And The 30mph Zone Doesn't Kick In Untill About 200m AFTER The Spot I Got Caught...

                      Yes I Know That I Didn't Explain Fully In My Original Post But The Road Is A Dual Lane B Road With 40 Signs All Along It And I Always Travel About 40 In It And So Does Everyone Else...

                      Was Looking All Over Various Forums Last Night And It Looks Like Im Going To Court No Matter What =(

                      Definitely Going To Fight It On The Basis Of It's A 40... Hopefully Only Get 3 Points Then...

                      So technically if you get photo evidence of this then you will be able to use it against them. If their isn't anything clearly song posted then it isn't clear what you should have been doing.


                      • #26
                        Interesting discussion of ways of proceeding here

                        Last edited by gar074; 14-11-2010, 11:26.


                        • #27
                          I personally would think twice before going to court as so many people lose there from my own experience. If you were getting a ban you would have to go to court for it and would have received a summons not an NIP unless that is still to come, im not 100% with that side of it. I really would advise you not to go to court unless you are 110% sure of a win. I have been to court as a civilian for a traffic offence and won but i know more than most. If you need any advise give me a shout.
                          C2 GT #2003

                          LIFE HAS RULES & SO DO THESE FORUMS.... DS3Club rules: Click Here


                          • #28
                            The thing to check with any moving vehicle or parking offence is TSRGD (traffic signs, regulations and general directions) available on line.
                            All signs must obey these standards or they are not legal

                            Whatever happens good luck Zack - he who never made a msitake never made anything.



                            • #29
                              ThanksFor Your Help Guys,

                              Yeah Realisticly Im Hoping That I Won't Have To Go To Court As Ill Take A Smallish Fine + 3 Points To Save The Hassle,

                              But If Im Sent A Summons / Rediculous Fine Im Fighting It - My Parents Are Backing Me On The Fact That The Charge Is Void So Hopefully The Outcome Will Be Only A Small Punishment...


                              • #30
                                zack how long you been driving for, i remember before u said your 18 so you'll still only have 6 points to spend, and you already have 3? bad times

