The other half getting a DS3 meant my long sufferering Suzuki had to go, bless it, with it's grands worth of I.C.E. in the boot and 3 doors, it was not Ideal for family duties or tip runs which had formally been done by the other car. So I went shopping for either a DS4, a C4 or an FN shape Honda Civic.
I came back with:
As you can see as I was being sensible I chose a nice low maintenance colour.
The inside looks like this:
Except at night..when apparently Mazda thought it just wasn't japanese enough so they did this:
Underneath it's Focus 2 chassis with a Mazda engine and gearbox and a more handling biased setup.
I came back with:
As you can see as I was being sensible I chose a nice low maintenance colour.
The inside looks like this:
Except at night..when apparently Mazda thought it just wasn't japanese enough so they did this:
Underneath it's Focus 2 chassis with a Mazda engine and gearbox and a more handling biased setup.