Hi Guys
So .... I have swirls in my paint and wish to remove them. They are only very light and only visible in certain reflections of lights. I would like some tips on the best process / routine to remove them. The equipment I already have is:
Pressure washer + foam lance
Meguirs buffer + 3 pads (soft-medium-agressive) Borrowing this from a friend so unsure of what Chems he has with it?
Full range of Autoglym products - including HD wax - Polish - Bumper/Trim gel - Leather cleaner - Leather conditioner - Tar remover - Clay kit - Wheel cleaner - Wheel protector..etc
Microfibre cloths
Chamy (Autoglym synthetic one)
Bucket + Sponge (Grit guard on route)
My car currently has a layer wax on it, which was applied 3 weeks ago. I guess I will need to strip this layer off first before I move to the process of buffing out the swirl marks?
Can somebody give me a process list I can follow to get this done properly.
Cheers peeps :confused:
So .... I have swirls in my paint and wish to remove them. They are only very light and only visible in certain reflections of lights. I would like some tips on the best process / routine to remove them. The equipment I already have is:
Pressure washer + foam lance
Meguirs buffer + 3 pads (soft-medium-agressive) Borrowing this from a friend so unsure of what Chems he has with it?
Full range of Autoglym products - including HD wax - Polish - Bumper/Trim gel - Leather cleaner - Leather conditioner - Tar remover - Clay kit - Wheel cleaner - Wheel protector..etc
Microfibre cloths
Chamy (Autoglym synthetic one)
Bucket + Sponge (Grit guard on route)
My car currently has a layer wax on it, which was applied 3 weeks ago. I guess I will need to strip this layer off first before I move to the process of buffing out the swirl marks?
Can somebody give me a process list I can follow to get this done properly.
Cheers peeps :confused: