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Swirls in paint ...... be gone!!!!

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  • Swirls in paint ...... be gone!!!!

    Hi Guys

    So .... I have swirls in my paint and wish to remove them. They are only very light and only visible in certain reflections of lights. I would like some tips on the best process / routine to remove them. The equipment I already have is:

    Pressure washer + foam lance
    Meguirs buffer + 3 pads (soft-medium-agressive) Borrowing this from a friend so unsure of what Chems he has with it?
    Full range of Autoglym products - including HD wax - Polish - Bumper/Trim gel - Leather cleaner - Leather conditioner - Tar remover - Clay kit - Wheel cleaner - Wheel protector..etc
    Microfibre cloths
    Chamy (Autoglym synthetic one)
    Bucket + Sponge (Grit guard on route)

    My car currently has a layer wax on it, which was applied 3 weeks ago. I guess I will need to strip this layer off first before I move to the process of buffing out the swirl marks?

    Can somebody give me a process list I can follow to get this done properly.

    Cheers peeps :confused:
    ***** Clio 182 182BHP - SOLD *****
    ***** DS3 DSport Plus 155THP - SOLD *****
    ***** Audi S3 300BHP - KEEPING *****
    ***** DS3 Performance Black 210THP - CANCELLED ORDER *****


  • #2
    Check over hear.

    all you need to know.

    Peugeot 208 GTi Prestige - Orange Power


    • #3
      Cheers toxic .. shall have a read of all that later :-)

      Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
      ***** Clio 182 182BHP - SOLD *****
      ***** DS3 DSport Plus 155THP - SOLD *****
      ***** Audi S3 300BHP - KEEPING *****
      ***** DS3 Performance Black 210THP - CANCELLED ORDER *****



      • #4
        Hi pal

        This is the 8hr process I used recently when detailing and enhancing a clients car:

        Citrus pre rinse with Rapid Dirt Shifter
        Wheel-arches cleaned with Rapid Dirt Shifter and stiff brush
        Snowfoam with Orchard Autocare Cotton Candy 1:20 ratio
        Badges and gaps APCed with degreaser and detailers brush
        Wheels cleaned and fall out removed using Hot wheels Wonder Wheels and a Daytona Speedmaster alloy wheel brush
        Car and wheels rinsed
        Wash car using Farecla G3 detox shampoo with Carpro Merino wool mitt in 2 buckets with grit guards (to remove previous wax)
        Clayed with Bilt Hamber clay using water spray as a lube
        De-tar with AutoFinesse Oblitarate
        Fall out remover with Carpro Iron X
        Wheels cleaned again with foaming sprayhead and AutoFinesse Imperial wheel cleaner and detailers brush
        Another fall out remove decontamination on wheels with Carpro Iron X
        Wheels clayed if needed
        Tyres cleaned with Bilt Hamber Surfex HD and stiff brush
        Washed again using Farecla G3 detox shampoo with Carpro Merino wool mitt in 2 buckets with grit guards
        Pat dry with Chemical Guys Wooly Mammoth drying towel
        Machine polish with Das6pro using Dodo medium pad and Scholl A15 compound to tackle any swirls and light scratches
        Dodo heavy cut pad with Scholl S3 Gold Edition if needed
        Wipedown with Carpro Eraser using Eurow Detailers Preference microfibre cloth
        Machine polish using Megs microfibre cutting pad with X1 Extreme Step 1
        Buffed with Eurow Detailers Preference microfibre cloth
        Machine polish using Dodo finishing pad with X1 Extreme Step 2
        Buffed with Eurow Detailers Preference microfibre cloth
        Tyres dressed with 2 coats of Carpro Perl
        Wheels sealed with Planet Polish Wheel Seal and Shine
        Glass sealed with GTechniq G5
        Plastics protected with Carpro Perl
        Exhaust tip/s cleaned with fine grade wire wool and Bilt Hamber Surfex HD
        Exhaust tip/s sealed with AutoFinesse Mercury metal cream
        Whole car Zaino Z6 wipedown with Eurow Detailers Preference microfibre cloth if needed
        Andy DS3 Club's Resident OCD Detailer!
        Take a pride in your ride


        • #5
          Wowzer!!! Thats some detailed detailing there ....... but a very good guide on a process I can follow...thank you. The chem used for removing the wax ..... is that specific to removing wax or just a standard wash chem?

          Also the polish used for the swirl removal .... I guess the brand of polish will describe its use? Say if I was to use meguirs polishes it would state its intended use right? So I would understand its the correct polish to use.

          Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
          ***** Clio 182 182BHP - SOLD *****
          ***** DS3 DSport Plus 155THP - SOLD *****
          ***** Audi S3 300BHP - KEEPING *****
          ***** DS3 Performance Black 210THP - CANCELLED ORDER *****



          • #6
            Hi pal

            The detox shampoo will mobilise surface contaminants to leave car thoroughly clean and prepared for renovating, scratch removal or waxing. The technically advanced formulas are developed alongside paint and lacquer manufacturers to make them safe and effective for all paint types.

            If using Megs for a compound with your machine polisher I would use 205 and 105. I have gotten great results with these on harder VW paint in the past.

            Each polish will show the amount of cut capable. My advise is to use a light cut polish on a light cutting pad first then if no joy, move up the pad to a medium with same polish. Better to tread carefully and be safer rather than sorry
            Last edited by Clean Your Ride; 07-08-2013, 19:02.
            Andy DS3 Club's Resident OCD Detailer!
            Take a pride in your ride


            • #7
              Have a practice Sir on a scrap panel, when it comes to machining, it's 10% in the product choice and 90% in the technique. You can get 80% of it quickly the other 20% takes a lifetime, the good old 80/20's why I like to call it 'back to basics' in the training.....

              I could write loads, but I'd rather show you......

              Whatever you do, have fun and enjoy.

              Everything Andy has said is spot on - Andy guess what? I love 205 and 105 too - see not all AB again,

              CL11 VEP 2011 Former DSport Plus 150THP Sport Red, now something else.......
              DS3 Club's Former Resident OCD Detailer!


              • #8
                Originally posted by CliveP View Post
                Andy guess what? I love 205 and 105 too - see not all AB again,
                Andy falls off chair and faints
                Andy DS3 Club's Resident OCD Detailer!
                Take a pride in your ride


                • #9
                  Ive brought some G3 Professional Bodywork Detox Shampoo 500ml to remove the wax.

                  Will foam first

                  Already got AG claybar and AG tar remover.

                  Borrowing mates Megs DA with Megs 3 step polish system. Wasnt sure on buying 102 - 205 until I have tried the 3 step system. Will prob get 102 - 205 when I get my own Megs G220.

                  AG HD wax to finish

                  And all the other trims, wheels, leather etc... cleaning done with AG products

                  Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
                  ***** Clio 182 182BHP - SOLD *****
                  ***** DS3 DSport Plus 155THP - SOLD *****
                  ***** Audi S3 300BHP - KEEPING *****
                  ***** DS3 Performance Black 210THP - CANCELLED ORDER *****



                  • #10
                    I use G3 Detox but find that it works best if you ditch their instructions
                    Instead of using it as Car shampoo.....I wet the car..even washing with a light solution of Fairy liquid helps...then Apply the G3 Detox with a damp wash pad...leave for a few minutes while it degrades the products on the paintwork, then wash with warm water without rinsing off first
                    I have found this method to be far more effective
                    ChrisRs Detailing, Bingley, West Yorks

                    2014 Citroen DS4 DSport 160 Hdi, Whisper Purple


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DS3WPR View Post
                      Ive brought some G3 Professional Bodywork Detox Shampoo 500ml to remove the wax.

                      Will foam first

                      Already got AG claybar and AG tar remover.

                      Borrowing mates Megs DA with Megs 3 step polish system. Wasnt sure on buying 102 - 205 until I have tried the 3 step system. Will prob get 102 - 205 when I get my own Megs G220.

                      AG HD wax to finish

                      And all the other trims, wheels, leather etc... cleaning done with AG products

                      Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
                      To save you some time pal, note there is no need to dry prior to claying.
                      Andy DS3 Club's Resident OCD Detailer!
                      Take a pride in your ride


                      • #12
                        Thanks rob ..... will use that method.

                        So no dry after wash ...just clay .....then should I wash again after clay/de-tar? Then dry ....then polish ......then wax

                        Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
                        ***** Clio 182 182BHP - SOLD *****
                        ***** DS3 DSport Plus 155THP - SOLD *****
                        ***** Audi S3 300BHP - KEEPING *****
                        ***** DS3 Performance Black 210THP - CANCELLED ORDER *****



                        • #13
                          Yep- Im gonna try the clay soon. Got Autobrite clay and spray
                          Sounds hard work tho
                          Jog on Noddy


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Chris_Blue View Post
                            Yep- Im gonna try the clay soon. Got Autobrite clay and spray
                            Sounds hard work tho
                            Just enjoy that cider all the more when done
                            Originally posted by cyclone
                            It is in the handbook. Satisfied.
                            Originally posted by Broda
                            I would rather teabag a bear trap


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Chris_Blue View Post
                              Yep- Im gonna try the clay soon. Got Autobrite clay and spray
                              Sounds hard work tho
                              Not really
                              Just be systematic and use your finger tips to feel the paint surface as you go
                              Its strangely satisfying...
                              ChrisRs Detailing, Bingley, West Yorks

                              2014 Citroen DS4 DSport 160 Hdi, Whisper Purple

