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Bane of my existence...

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  • Bane of my existence...

    White bellone alloys - how do you clean behind the spokes to get all the **** that gathers there? The face of the alloys is shiny and clean but behind them is just disgusting. I don't want to take the wheels off to do it and have tried with a brush but they are just too intricate to get round properly.

    I've added a picture pointing to the area I mean - you can't really see the muck in the picture but you get where I mean...

    Click image for larger version

Name:	alloys arrow.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	91.6 KB
ID:	366116

  • #2
    You can buy wheel brushes which allow you to reach all the difficult areas. No doubt Andy will be along shortly to recommend some .


    • #3
      With these £39.95 but imo worth every penny 😃



      • #4
        I've tried with brushes but I end up with mucky bits which I can see but can't reach with a brush. Unless I'm doing it wrong?


        • #5
          It's no different cleaning the black ones except the **** shows up grey, maybe an expensive alloy cleaner such as meguiars may help make it easier.. Cleaned my black ones 3 times yesterday before I was happy.


          • #6
            I haven't ordered a wheel cleaner (just using shampoo so far). The cleaner I wanted was out of stock when I ordered some stuff. Theres Meguiars hot rims and Autoglym clean wheels on amazon though - are either any good? Otherwise it'll mean waiting until I'm ordering again.

            So is it just my rubbish attempts then. Whats the best technique?


            • #7
              There's quite a good guide on the Auto Finesse site - I'm still too new to it to be offering any other advice .


              • #8
                See here Charley

                RabidRacoon28 Wheel Woolies product test

                If the muck still remains then you will need to use a contamination remover such as IronX and possibly a de-tarring product.
                Andy DS3 Club's Resident OCD Detailer!
                Take a pride in your ride


                • #9
                  Don't be lazy every time i clean my wheels i take them off
                  DS3 1.6THP DSport with a few bits added.....nickname BB :bow:
                  Performance...Depends on how heavy my right foot is


                  • #10
                    I clean my car twice a week - don't have time to try take off a wheel too! I think I'd probably have to buy loads of stuff too cos my car has fun foam instead of a spare? Or will it still have all the kit to take the tyre off? But realistically how difficult is it to do and how long will it take?

                    So what do I do with the other brushes? I think I'll still struggle to get to some of the areas on the wheels. If they clean the whole thing I'll order them but if I'm still going to be stuck with areas I can't reach there's not much point.


                    • #11
                      Like myself, if you haven't got a spare wheel then you won't have the jack, wheel brace and thing for taking the chrome covers off the wheel nuts. Wheel Woolies as shown in the review leaves the backs as clean as this:

                      Andy DS3 Club's Resident OCD Detailer!
                      Take a pride in your ride


                      • #12
                        I have the same wheels but in black, nothing more irritating than a gleaming car/windows/wheels and then dirty insides lol.

                        I personally have tried a number of brushes, but the most simple and effective way for me is to use a microfibre cloth and clean the insides by hand, using my regular wheel cleaner.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Charley View Post
                          I clean my car twice a week -.
                          W E E K, that's not how I spell month.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Superfly Guy View Post
                            W E E K, that's not how I spell month.
                            M O N T H, that's not how I spell year.
                            Originally posted by cyclone
                            It is in the handbook. Satisfied.
                            Originally posted by Broda
                            I would rather teabag a bear trap


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by cyclone View Post
                              M O N T H, that's not how I spell year.
                              Thats about right, my car has only really looked clean twice, when I picked it up and when it came back after the crash repair.

                              The interior, now that's a different matter. If I cant teach my hound to use the Hoover, I'm getting him waxed.

