Yesterday afternoon I decided that the jeans I was wearing were a little bit grubby, so I decided to wash them.
So, quick change, dirty jeans into washing machine, out to garage. . . where's my car key?
Yes, you guessed it - in the pocket of the jeans in the washing machine.
Cancelled the wash programs, took the suds-laden jeans out of the pocket & retrieved the key.
Opening up the key showed that no water had penetrated the part housing the electronics, so a quick dry off of the wet bits & a few minutes on a radiator to ensure that everything was completely dry & it's as good as new!
So, the moral is: always check the pockets of any garment you wash - sod's law says that on the one ocasion I didn't check there was something in there!
. . . & the good news, DS3 keys are wash-proof!
So, quick change, dirty jeans into washing machine, out to garage. . . where's my car key?
Yes, you guessed it - in the pocket of the jeans in the washing machine.
Cancelled the wash programs, took the suds-laden jeans out of the pocket & retrieved the key.
Opening up the key showed that no water had penetrated the part housing the electronics, so a quick dry off of the wet bits & a few minutes on a radiator to ensure that everything was completely dry & it's as good as new!
So, the moral is: always check the pockets of any garment you wash - sod's law says that on the one ocasion I didn't check there was something in there!
. . . & the good news, DS3 keys are wash-proof!