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How Citroen deal with customer complaints and warranty issues

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  • How Citroen deal with customer complaints and warranty issues

    I've already posted quite a bit about this in another section, but this thread is about the post-sales customer care that I've received from Citroen as a whole. It includes three different dealers who have all been useless (two of them outright lying to me). I just want everyone to be aware of what to expect if something goes wrong that is not deemed to be important by them with a brand new car.

    I've actually copied the email that was sent to the Managing Director, Linda Jackson. I sent this as the dealer couldn't give me answers, and a regional support manager at the contact centre for Citroen UK had been unable to resolve the issue and give me answers. I've removed certain parts to keep myself anonymous (using square brackets). I will update as and when (or I should say if) I receive any replies.


    Dear Linda Jackson,

    I would like to draw your attention to the appalling customer services that I have received since buying a brand new Citroen DS3 (Orla Kiely) on the [end of] May, 2011. This complaint spans three different Citroen dealers and also the contact centre. I have tried resolving this with a regional manager to no avail and would like to escalate it to you personally.

    Since buying the car, I have had a persistent problem with the iPod connectivity, to the extent that it has been unusable since the day of purchase. To try to resolve this issue, I took the car back to the original dealer (Bristol Street Motors, Nottingham) on the day of purchase. They informed me that as it would need to be explored in depth, that I should take it to my local Citroen dealer and they would resolve the issue under warranty. As I had travelled from the North East to collect the car and was travelling home the following day, this was understandable.

    The following week I took the car into Town Centre Citroen, Sunderland. They booked the car in for the 6th June, and on this day informed me that there were two possible outcomes; a loose connection which would be fixed on the day, or a faulty radio unit which would take two weeks for a new one to be delivered and fitted. At this time they had never seen the problem before. A few days later they called me and stated that it was a fault with the radio unit, but that nothing could be done to fix it as they were waiting for a recall from Citroen. The reason that they gave for this was that in the time I had taken my car in (6th June), another had come in with exactly the same problem, and they tried replacing the radio unit with no success. This confused me as they stated it would take two weeks to test this with my car, and when confronted about this the service manager refused to give me an answer, telling me ‘tough, you’ll have to wait for the recall’. When I asked how long this would be, I was told indefinitely. It has later been confirmed to me that there has never been a recall in the pipeline. This leads me to the conclusion that they:

    a) outright lied about having another car in with the same problem, and;
    b) outright lied about there being a recall

    Because of this, I then contacted the original dealer (Bristol Street Motors, Nottingham) in an attempt to find a resolution. Numerous phone calls and emails were ignored, and when I finally spoke to the individual that sold me the car (Ross Crayton), he told me that there was nothing he could do about it, and never returned any future telephone calls.

    I finally contacted Citroen UK directly (via the contact centre) to raise this complaint. The fact that I was lied to was ignored, and I was told to take the car (at my own expense in both time and money) to another garage much further away (Wingrove Motors, Newcastle). The car was booked in on the 11th July for them to inspect it and to assess the problem. They had the information from the Sunderland dealership regarding the problem, but understandably stated that they wanted to confirm this themselves. They had the car in the full day, and called to confirm that they had identified the problem and that a new radio unit needed to be fitted. At the same time the car was booked in again for the 1st August (3 weeks later) to have this done.

    On the afternoon of the 1st August, I received a telephone stating that they had fitted a radio unit and that is successfully resolved the problem. When I asked if I could collect the car, they then informed me that they then had to take this new radio unit back out of the car and replace it with my non-working unit. When I queried this, they stated that each radio unit only works in the car it was first installed in. I understand each has a unique code, but in order to test the radio unit (and have it working in my car), they will have had to change it so that it only worked with my car. Essentially, they lied to me (saying it wouldn’t work once I drove the car away), presumably as they had taken the radio unit out of a showroom model and did not want to be left with a faulty unit in one of their cars. Instead they would be much happier having a customer driving around with a faulty unit than one sitting idle in a showroom.

    Obviously aggrieved by this, I asked how long it would take for a new radio unit to arrive. I was told normal time was 2 weeks, but sometimes it may take up to 6 weeks. Please note the exact dates that I have given above; it has now been over 10 weeks since they ordered the unit, and when I spoke to them they told me that I will have to wait indefinitely as they could not give me an estimated time.

    I then contacted the Citroen contact centre yesterday lunchtime (10th October) and spoke to Caz, who told me that he would chase it up immediately and call me back before the end of the day. This phone call never materialised, and by 2pm today (11th October) when I phoned him back he had yet to chase it up. When I asked him for a printed (or pdf) copy of the complaints procedure, I was told that one does not exist. Given my [line of work is] complaints and experiences, this shocked me that a large multinational company does not have a complaints procedure in writing available to customers. This must (and evidently does from my experience) breed a certain culture of lying and hiding the truth from customers who are often powerless to do anything.

    It is for these reasons that I want to escalate the complaint to the highest level. Dealing with a regional support manager has proven to be a fruitless endeavour, and I have now had the car for almost 5 months and a simple issue of replacing a radio unit has yet to be resolved by three individual dealers. I have summarised my complaints below.

    1. Lied to twice by the service manager at Town Centre Citroen, Sunderland
    2. Refusal to carry out warranty work on my car at Town Centre Citroen, Sunderland
    3. Ignored by Bristol Street Motors, Nottingham
    4. Lied to by the service manager at Wingrove Motors, Newcastle
    5. Taking what will be a minimum of 5 months to simply replace a faulty radio unit
    6. No contact at all from Wingrove Motors, Newcastle regarding delays in replacing the radio unit (2 weeks is now 10 weeks)
    7. Phone calls and information that I am promised not materialising (Citroen UK Contact Centre)

    I understand that maybe one or a maximum of two errors or lapses are understandable (points 5, 6 and 7). However deliberate acts by individuals (points 1, 2, 3, 4) are certainly not, and coupled with the other points indicate that there both active and latent failures within the organisation, including the ‘customer-orientated’ culture that deems it acceptable to lie to customers in the hope that they do not know anything better. Given your position as Managing Director I assume that you know the implications that so many of these issues can have with your company, and I hope that you will begin addressing these. I look forward to receiving your reply.

    Yours sincerely,

    [Forename Surname]


    Dear Mr [Surname]

    Thank you for writing to let me know about the service you ve had from Citroën.

    I ve asked Ramandeep Goraya, one of our regional support managers, to look into it for me he s the best person to deal with this.

    We ll try to take care of this for you as quickly and fairly as possible and as soon as we hear anything we ll be back in touch with you. This should be in the next week or so.

    If you d like to talk to us in the meantime, our contact centre team will be happy to help. You can call them on 0844 463 3500 - don t forget to have your case number handy when you do.

    Yours sincerely

    Linda Jackson
    Managing Director
    Last edited by jassco; 13-10-2011, 14:19.

  • #2
    Is this still ongoing?

    I thought you had sorted out the radio issue ages ago, sorry to hear that your still having grief. Can't believe that the radio wasn't just changed and replaced, they take about a fortnight to arrive and are programmed straight to the immobilizer of the car in order to work.

    Feel for you on this, keep us updated with progress.
    ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
    Bigfeet's File Repository
    The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


    • #3
      Originally posted by Bigfeet76 View Post
      Is this still ongoing?

      I thought you had sorted out the radio issue ages ago, sorry to hear that your still having grief. Can't believe that the radio wasn't just changed and replaced, they take about a fortnight to arrive and are programmed straight to the immobilizer of the car in order to work.

      Feel for you on this, keep us updated with progress.
      Unfortunately so, its honestly now becoming a complete farce. I've been advised by trading standards to contact the finance company and give them 14 days in which to resolve it, which I've just done. I'm not sure what the next stages are but I assume it will be legal proceedings. As far as I'm concerned Citroen have already failed to resolve the issue in a timely manner, but I need to give the finance company time to as it is with them that I have the agreement with.

      Email responses to Citroen contact centre (first) and the finance company (second)


      [Case number removed] - Serious complaint

      Dear Linda Jackson,

      Thank you for replying to me, although it is a shame that you couldn't take the time to do this personally or even to offer an apology. Given that my complaint is partly with regards to timely communication, I'm shocked that any further communication will be 'in a week or so', which quite frankly is unacceptable, especially when you haven't informed me how my complaint will be addressed. Please note that I am publishing any and all communication regarding this matter on the most popular Citroen DS3 forums so that people considering purchasing a car will know what to expect when purchasing a new car and a warranty issue arises. I expect some attempt to resolve this in the next 24 hours, rather than 'a week or so'.

      Yours sincerely,

      [Forename Surname]


      [Finance Company letter]
      Dear whoever it may concern,

      Please find attached a copy of a letter detailing an issue that I have had with my car since entering into an agreement with you on the [end of] May 2011. Please note that I have tried resolving this issue with 3 Citroen Approved Dealers and with Citroen UK contact centre to no avail. I have been advised by Trading Standards that this issue is with yourselves and I can request it to be resolved within 14 days. I look forward to hearing back from you as soon as possible. [information about being unavailable for a few days removed]

      Yours faithfully,

      [Forename Surname]

      Encl. letter.doc
      Last edited by jassco; 13-10-2011, 15:06.


      • #4
        Drive It Up To Scotland And Make It Bigfeets Problem


        • #5
          Originally posted by ZACK View Post
          Drive It Up To Scotland And Make It Bigfeets Problem


          • #6
            Originally posted by ZACK View Post
            Drive It Up To Scotland And Make It Bigfeets Problem
            Ironically if you did at the start it would have all been sorted by now!
            ...I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
            Bigfeet's File Repository
            The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society


            • #7
              Originally posted by jassco View Post
              Please note that I am publishing any and all communication regarding this matter on the most popular Citroen DS3 forums so that people considering purchasing a car will know what to expect when purchasing a new car and a warranty issue arises. I expect some attempt to resolve this in the next 24 hours, rather than 'a week or so'.

              Yours sincerely,
              lol, i like!! have to agree with bigfeet on this, i feel for you too. i suppose its kinda got to the stage where you're not that pissed about the radio anymore - more the fact that citroen customer services are f*****g s***e!!

              keep us posted!!
              Polar white with black roof, black bellones - My Photies!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bigfeet76 View Post
                Ironically if you did at the start it would have all been sorted by now!
                Don't tempt me, I've been looking for an excuse for a road trip up to Scotland with the better half!


                • #9
                  I'm sorry to say you will be looking at a legal fight - a lenghty, costly legal fight.

                  1)What happens next is you get a letter in the post from Citroen finance telling you that they are sorry to hear you're experiencing problems with your car and that they have contacted your dealer whom you purchased the vehicle from and they will be in touch with you to rectify the problem and a copy of the solution will be CC'd to Citroen finance (who will bin it along with all of the other smary smug dealer-protecting replies that they receive. At the end of the letter they remind you that although they are sorry to hear of your troubles, they are obliged to remind you that you must keep up your repayments for your faulty car.

                  2)This then puts you back into the hand of the dealer who didn't give a toss in the first place. They will blame head office for dragging their feet and will suggest that you complain to head office who are the real villains in all of this.

                  3)Once you complain to head office they put you back to regional sales who very politely tell you to fuck off and suggest that you should be happy with Top gears hot hatch of the year and that they haven't received any other complaints about the DS3.

                  4)You then contact the finance and say that you are not happy with your dealer's resonse and that it is THEIR responsibility to resolve the matter BY LAW. They then ignore your next two letters sent recorded delivery and when you ring up they treat it as a new case and send a letter to your dealer saying that you have a problem with your car and what can they do to resolve it. If your dealer is anything like mine then you will be offered a set of Pink or Black fluffy dice (scented).

                  Repeat steps 1 - 4 for 8 months and you will be amazed how nothing has changed except for the value of your car.

                  Step 5 is where I am now - Paying a solicitor to write the same letters that I have written which will most probably be met with the same responses that I received and then lead to a court date. A court summons is met by Citroen with a cute phonecall saying "me huge monster and can crush puny earthling, take your broken Citroen and go away before you lose even more money in court"

                  As all of this is going on you should be writing to Watchdog, Top Gear, Which? and any local papers surrounding your dealership to bring as much attention to the matter as possible.

                  I won't be happy until everyone I know or meet avoids Citroen like the plague - Sadly most people wouldn't be so stupid in the first place


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DS379 View Post
                    I won't be happy until everyone I know or meet avoids Citroen like the plague - Sadly most people wouldn't be so stupid in the first place
                    Has been so stupid and is happy.
                    My DS3R3... nearly....
                    New? Click HERE for some useful threads.


                    • #11
                      Hmm, bizarre experience. I was waiting on an email back from CUK so emailed them yesterday to confirm the status of my query.

                      Got this back after it had previously been escalated this morning.. No qualms whatsoever with CUK who have always been more than courteous and helpful..

                      Sucks to be in your position though

                      "Hi Liam

                      Thanks for getting in touch with us again.

                      Once you've purchased the accessories, please send me a copy of the invoice to our email address, or you can post it to:

                      Citroën UK Ltd
                      221 Bath Road
                      SL1 4BA

                      When I get the invoice, I'll give you a call to let you know when you'll be receiving the cheque.

                      I hope this helps. If there's anything else I can do for you, please feel free to get back in touch.

                      Kind regards

                      Ramandeep Goraya
                      Regional Support Manager"

                      **Note, this was Citroen offering a gesture of goodwill due to my THP blowing up..
                      cyclone> Fish is the man


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dangerousfish View Post
                        Once you've purchased the accessories
                        God Damn You Spill ?

                        Wanna Add Some Roof Bars To the Order For Moi If Citroen Are Paying ? xD


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ZACK View Post
                          God Damn You Spill ?

                          Wanna Add Some Roof Bars To the Order For Moi If Citroen Are Paying ? xD
                          Nope, top secret.. John Nicol know's what it is though as he's the one going through the painstaking task of getting everything here for me!

                          <3 John


                          Hope your well.

                          I hope never to deal with this company again my goodness there hard work! Anyway after 5 calls I now have an email invoice which I have sent a cheque to them today Im off tomorrow then next week Im off wed, thursday and friday so I will get in touch with you again when Im back with more news.

                          Best Regards
                          John Nicol
                          cyclone> Fish is the man


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dangerousfish View Post
                            **Note, this was Citroen offering a gesture of goodwill due to my THP blowing up..
                            Should i try that too?


                            • #15
                              Phew, best of luck mate. My car is on lease from an independent supplier but the local garage haven't put up much of a fight even when they replaced all my wheels. Again, best of luck.

