HI, I have just had a new temperature sensor fitted was found to be faulty last week, got car back did a trip of 90 miles at 70 mph with my climate control on as usual & the temperature gauge dial only just moved up to second white line is this normal as was always in the middle for the 11 months i have owned the car 63 plate 1.6 petrol, if it does not rise I won't get any hot air in heaters for the winter,thanks
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Temperature gauge
Sounds fine to me, you already said the old sensor was faulty and that you were doing motorway driving. Was it a hot day, low wind, raining, all these factor into the temperature of the car. The fact the needle only moved a faction as far as I'm concerned is nothing to panic about....I should never have doubted the Lord of Bacon!!
The DS3Club Bacon Appreciation Society
Hi, yes I took car back to citroen & had a new thermostat housing & new sensor fitted again all under warranty as they should of replaced thermostat first time, as temperature gauge should sit in middle & not move when car is warmed up, thermostat was knackered & staying open all the time which was why car was not getting up to temperature & feeling lumpy & using more fuel, all good now .