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e-Hdi 90 / e-Hdi 110. Stop start thoughts or reviews

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  • #16
    Originally posted by ds3adi View Post
    3rd gear is used for 30 mph zones, 4 for 40 and 5th for anything above. It's called eco driving. Cars have come on a lot since most of us passed our tests. The race to get your car into 5 th isn't needed.
    That's what I thought! What does it matter that you are in 3rd at 30mph?



    • #17
      I admit (naughty I know) to driving usually at more like 33-35mph when the car seems to want to be in 4th but then in traffic you're constantly slowing and speeding up again so I just feel that I'm changing down into 3rd much more than I did say in my last car for example.

      Not a big issue just something to get used to...or I could stick to the speed limit and stay in 3rd I guess ;-)
      2012 Citroen DS3 e-hdi 110 Airdream
      2002 Fiat Punto 1.2
      1996 Citroen AX Forte


      • #18
        I have the 110 and after a while you just don't notice the stop start - passengers usually comment though. Mines done 7500 now in a couple of months and it's getting sweeter - it's very capable on the motorway more than keeping up with the bigger cars etc and the ride is superb (road noise intrusive at times on the 17" Dsport wheels). Really is the best car I've ever had (and i've had Audi's, Honda's, Fords, Vauxhalls etc)


        • #19
          It's quite a jump in price from the Dstyle+ 90bhp to the Dspor 110bhp


          • #20
            My daughter has the stop/start on her 110 EHdi and I noticed it stops as designed when at traffic lights in traffic etc but then sometimes starts up on its own after say 20 secs? If she then the clutch in it stops again, and then usually stays off until she puts the clutch in to go again is this normal?


            • #21
              Originally posted by hutchys View Post
              My daughter has the stop/start on her 110 EHdi and I noticed it stops as designed when at traffic lights in traffic etc but then sometimes starts up on its own after say 20 secs? If she then the clutch in it stops again, and then usually stays off until she puts the clutch in to go again is this normal?
              I get this on mine as well and i think it is something to do with trying not to put too much pressure on the battery cos even though engine is cut out the battery is powering the lights, radio, power steering etc. Dont want to end up with flat battery. I am getting 47 around town and 62 on the motorway at the moment. Only done 2150 miles.


              • #22
                Engine restarting when stopped

                Remember the parameters are more than stopping the engine. If the air-conditioning/climate control and compressor is on it will switch the engine on to maintain temperature and similarly if the heating drops it will restart.
                For fuel economy make sure the A/C is switched off and this will reduce starts whilst stationary

