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Dashboard Cameras?

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  • #16
    I have a GoPro Hero3+ that I've only used a couple of times. Great video quality, but being full HD (or 4k if you really want), it takes up a hell of a lot of memory and the battery life isn't so hot. You can WiFi videos straight to a phone/tablet and control the camera in the same way. They're an awesome little camera but I'd say they're only really a dash cam for a track day or a quick Sunday blast.
    May 2011 - October 2015: White body/black roof/white Bellone THP150
    October 2015 - Present: Black body/emerald green roof/black Aphrodite THP165
    Instagram @adamds3


    • #17
      Originally posted by Chris_Blue View Post
      Maybe because we are right ?
      FB along with any other social networking site is brilliant at what's it designed to do, there are plenty of tools to limit who see's what on your page. Its easy to set up a page that both private AND invisible to those not invited.

      I worked in the UK for most of 2012 and the bulk of my work came via colleagues on FB, people not on it would miss out on some great tasks. Why phone round or email people when I can post (on a private page) "Tracker needs fitting in Essex tonight, PM for details" and reach my desired audience.

      Yes people drop themselves in the poo but so do people with emails and texts.

      The best part of FB is how it has replaced 'Dave down the pub' as the fountain of all (incorrect) facts.

      Personally I use it a lot, to keep in contact with friends and colleagues around the globe.


      • #18
        I agree with you Superfly Guy, as with all things sensible, intelligent use will ensure you get the most from FB without the stresses.... A lot of people I know run it down without ever having tried it


        • #19
          Originally posted by lfcrule1972 View Post
          I agree with you Superfly Guy, as with all things sensible, intelligent use will ensure you get the most from FB without the stresses.... A lot of people I know run it down without ever having tried it
          "Dad" and "Son" disagree then?
          Jog on Noddy


          • #20
            It appears so, it's ok though we have the same taste in women !


            • #21
              That's OK then
              Assume you both like different age groups?
              Or is Dad a DOM?
              Jog on Noddy


              • #22
                A Little off topic now aren't we?
                Does anyone use the black-vue camera? interested in the details of the parking sensor feature. Does the camera require a live 12V power supply for the parking feature to work, or does it use a battery?
                (Camera records if a knock is detected while the car is parked)


                • #23
                  I used hedcamz for a while .. I know the guy who owns the company and he has a pretty cool range


                  • #24
                    Lots Of Varieties of camera out there.. These Cameras tend to malfunction easily. I have tried all kinds .. Cheap Ones and Expensive Ones.. So choose wisely..
                    Give Fort digital Brand a miss.. i paid over 240 dollars and it got spoiled almost four times.. Even with warranty for a year.. have to keep going down to get it fixed.. I threw it away at the fifth time. Useless product.. overpriced..
                    Recently one brand ( my friend used and recommended me which is of very good quality with mid-prices. I'd like a punk and had bought it just yesterday and awaiting for delivery.


                    • #25
                      Hi Davistob- welcome to the club with your firstpost
                      Keep us up to date how the new car VCR goes
                      Jog on Noddy


                      • #26
                        I fixed the audio issue with my camera. I'll post some videos when we get back from 4 Points.
                        - DS3 DSport Plus - THP 155 - Belle-ile Blue with Perla Nera Black Roof -
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