picked my DS3 up today great drive home loving it been waiting 2 weeks to have my number transferred over given me time to source a space saver wheel/tyre got a Genuine Citroen 115/70/r15 that had been bought for a ds3 but trying to get it tight in the well is not happening ?? The yellow
screw in bit just wont hold it tight down
Any help or advice welcome
ps the yellow screw bit came with mine that had the goo and go kit fitted is it the same fitting ??
picked my DS3 up today great drive home loving it been waiting 2 weeks to have my number transferred over given me time to source a space saver wheel/tyre got a Genuine Citroen 115/70/r15 that had been bought for a ds3 but trying to get it tight in the well is not happening ?? The yellow
screw in bit just wont hold it tight down
Any help or advice welcome
ps the yellow screw bit came with mine that had the goo and go kit fitted is it the same fitting ??