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My THP Mods

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  • #46
    Induction kit is ordered and on the way


    • #47
      So this is what happened today;

      Air induction kit came and I installed it

      Drive the car about and it was fine and working brilliantly

      On the way home got a engine management light and lost power and sounded like I was on 2 cylinders

      Managed to get it home and changed it back to factory air intake to see if it sorted it

      Still the same problem and it looked like the car has chucked oil out of the front pcv and has gone inside the combustion area

      Car then wouldn't start

      Now has started again, loads of oil smoke come out the exhaust but still not on all 4 cylinders

      Got recovery people coming out this evening, anyone got any idea how or why this has happened?


      • #48
        The thp is dead


        • #49
          Oh no...

          Is it completely beyond help? Hoping it wasn't the pistons exploding and wrecking everything. It won't have been the new intake I don't think, just really bad timing.
          ///DStyle+ VTi 120 in white/black/red ///
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          • #50
            That's crazy coincidental timing!! What's happened to it?
            DS3 DSport eHDi 145 - Stage 1 with K&N - Shark Grey & Infinite Blue​​​​​​


            • #51


              • #52
                Something has gone bang, sounds like a tractor, not running on all 4 and oil and smoke comes out of every hole possible. Going back to the dealer and getting my old car back


                • #53
                  Months after the death of my original d-sport, I'm now looking at getting a 2015 model with the renewed, less problematic engine (165ps). In the end with my YF11 PZA, I had to get trading standards involved to swap the cars back, so since then I've been back in my C4. Looking at maybe January to get one, hopefully with the touch screen in as well and then I can start the modding again - probably with some new threads.


                  • #54
                    Did you get it all sorted with getting your money back using Trading Standards on your original DS3?
                    DS3 DSport eHDi 145 - Stage 1 with K&N - Shark Grey & Infinite Blue​​​​​​


                    • #55
                      I did, I had to setup a case and then threaten the dealer with action unless they brought my C4 back to my house and took away the ds3 themselves as they were about 100 miles away. They agreed in the end but took a while


                      • #56
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20181209-170452.png
Views:	95
Size:	41.9 KB
ID:	398650
                        This was the last I saw of it

